Let's not waste time!

Earth is one of the planets still far from perfect. If this is nothing new for those who go deeper into their studies, it is not surprising for others either, as it is only a brief analysis and we will see that we are living with the most diverse difficulties, ranging from the lack of food for some to the lack of of tranquility for others, lack of sanitation etc.

Let's not waste time!

Those who have nothing and experience difficulties see the other who lives in affluence with luxury as a happy person. But it is not quite like that, because happiness is not linked to financial conditions or to the volume of the bank account and investments.

We see the rich facing emotional difficulties, most of them experiencing the stress of insecurity. You can have a high-priced car, with great technology, but you have to subject yourself to traveling on the same potholed roads that the vehicle of the poor travels.

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Although it favors armor, it is not free from attacks by bandits, who will end up waiting for the opportune moment to steal from it. Face the same dread in the face of this pandemic, for example.

The rich can have their health plan, but in the event of a traffic accident or other type of violence, they will be rescued and taken first to a SUS emergency service, to then be removed.

So there are situations in this life that do not depend on the financial condition. Of course, money makes comfort and well-being possible at certain moments and parameters, but when it comes to being trouble-free, it's not true.

But why are we then on Earth and not on a higher-ranking Planet? It is because we deserve to be here, and we will return as many times as necessary to planets of this scale, until we are able to evolve and be worthy of being reincarnated in a more dynamic orb, without these anxieties and fears.

Let's not waste time!
123rf / Katarzyna Białasiewicz

There are several planets of the same category as Earth and in any of them we can dock, depending on the need and the conditions that favor the reunion with people who have done evil or who have harmed us, because we are all integrated in a single coexistence, where together we must find the paths to take the course towards the Creator, after all this is His will.

If we slip on the path due to negligence or if we are refractory to leading ourselves on the straight path, we will end up stuck in time, losing the opportunity in this life to evolve. This causes delay and we can end up on a planet even worse than Earth, while trying to be better and helping those close to us to get back on their feet, we will grow spiritually and we will certainly be worthy of a better planet, where good, where diseases are no longer like those here, in the end, where everything is better.

Let's not waste time!

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