What will 2021 be like for you - Tarot and Numerology of the year

2020 is almost over and if we ask which word could define this year, maybe you will answer: surprise, amazement, sadness, unexpected, challenge, distance, crisis and so many others, because in fact this year will be unforgettable for all of us, who live their fears and their hopes.

The question is: What are we taking from the whole experience for 2021? Have we become wiser and better at living life?

Perhaps the Oracles can now help us in this matter. Let's look at 2021 under the tarot perception. We started this vision with the focus of the Major Arcana and then we separated card 20 - The Judgment and card 21 - The World and, uniting the two, we can say that the awakening that called each of us individually in 2020 must now bring a greater fanfare, involving the collective and the world as a whole.

If in this year 2020 the request was for everyone to look at themselves and wake up to their mission and their spiritual work, 2021 will expand this call to the planet as a whole and to us as humanity. Are we as humans doing our part, Nature, animals, land, sea, fields, birds, in short, how are we taking care of our fellow travelers? Maybe it's time to give an account, after all we received an entire planet full of resources and wonders and what have we done with it on our journey?

The world card closes the journey of the Fool in search of self-knowledge and when we arrive at it we notice the image of the 4 elements and the figure of the hermaphrodite man, symbol of the union of the feminine and the masculine surrounded by a circle or serpent that eats its own tail ( Oroboros), pointing to the end of a cycle of achievements, growth and learning. May it be so in 2021!

What will 2021 be like for you - Tarot and Numerology of the year
Image courtesy of the article's author: Elaine Pera.
What will 2021 be like for you - Tarot and Numerology of the year
Image courtesy of the article's author: Elaine Pera.

Numerology works with cycles every 9 years and for these studies we are going to add 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 = 1, and this is without a doubt the number of changes, curiosity, expansion, freedom, the body, of the 5 senses and the figure of man, as portrayed Leonardo da Vinci.

Movement, restlessness, rush, curiosity, addictions and sexuality are also words that represent this number, as well as the search for something Superior, represented so well in the tarot by the figure of the Pope or High Priest.

Education and religion must be tested and challenged this year, because the Pope is also Chiron, who in the Mythological Tarot is the teacher and advisor of the great heroes of Greek mythology, therefore the way to guide, whether through religious concepts or through formal education, will demand change and transformation.

The 5 will govern the Universal Year, but let's now calculate what your Personal Year will be, that is, what number will govern your individual experience in 2021.

Make the sum of your DAY + MONTH + 2021

Example: birth 13/04. We will have 13 + 4 + (2021) or 13 + 4 + 5 = 22. We now make the theosophical reduction, adding 2 + 2 = 4. Therefore the Personal Year will be 4. A year to devote to work and material construction.

See in the table below what awaits you in this year 2021.

Personal Year - 1

You are starting a 9-year cycle and so you must be open to creating, to the new, to planting seeds, to starting things that could be at work, in relationships or in any area. Make projects, set goals, outline your plans and put yourself into action. Everything this year will only depend on you. Autonomy and independence are the good words for 2021.

Personal Year - 2

The seeds that were planted the previous year are underground, taking root. Everything you've invested in and started is now slowly taking hold and developing, and you can make adjustments. Partnerships, associations, unions, marriages and contracts will be facilitated as long as you don't take too long to decide and choose. Evaluate carefully is the advice for 2021.

Personal Year - 3

Year 1 endeavors that took root in Year 2 are now starting to appear and you may find that your image will grow stronger to the world. Communication, creativity and expression will be favored and, therefore, you must put yourself in the spotlight and remember that marketing yourself or your product must be put into practice. Sales and people's support can help you. Beware, however, of waste in 2021.

What will 2021 be like for you - Tarot and Numerology of the year
Olyakobruseva/ Pexels

Personal Year - 4

Now that you have prepared yourself for success in the previous 3 years, you must take seriously the words work, organization, priority, diplomacy, patience and perseverance, because this year what really counts is getting your hands dirty, acting efficiently , structure itself and, above all, establish secure foundations for the 9-year cycle. The fourth year of the cycle takes care of the firmness and sedimentation of your projects so that they can grow from year 5 onwards. Focus, discipline, dedication are the words for your 2021.

Personal Year - 5

Whoever is in this year will be vibrating with the collective energy of the Universal Year 2021 and so get ready to move, explore, experiment, venture, travel, because the 5 will not let you down. The desire for freedom will be sharpened and the will to live experiences never before lived can take a lot of energy. Mediation, taking care of the body and its needs, as well as sexual impulses and addictions, must always be looking for balance. Flexibility and lightness. Don't lose your focus, because 2021 will want to take you to several places at once. Heads up.

What will 2021 be like for you - Tarot and Numerology of the year
Argentina / Pexels

Personal Year - 6

Now that you are halfway through the cycle and things have settled and expanded, it will be good to take some time to take care of yourself, your emotions and especially affective relationships. Year 6 calls for family responsibilities and special attention to bonds. You will feel the urge to improve your image, to take care of your home, to beautify the places where you live and especially to want to have peace and tranquility. Common sense, conciliation and the search for balance will be the most perfect attitudes for 2021. Be careful not to feel too vulnerable and end up lacking, demanding from others an attention that only you can give yourself.

Personal Year - 7

It's time to delve into technical and spiritual knowledge, this year 2021 will ask for a lot of self-knowledge, intellectual, cultural development and for that it must bring external challenges in which you can only count on your inner strength. It's good to prepare yourself for good therapy, seek counseling, take care of the mind and especially never abandon faith in yourself and in the Divine. It will be favorable to take development courses, which can bring professional or personal progress. Maybe you feel better spending more time alone, thinking and meditating about life, and that's good, because all the strength and development achieved this year will reflect on good choices in the years to come. Concentration and discernment.

What will 2021 be like for you - Tarot and Numerology of the year
picjumbo.com/ Pexels

Personal Year - 8

Now, yes, it's time to deal with success, abundance and power, because if during the previous 7 years you dedicated yourself and followed through, this will be the time to receive all the material and financial return of the cycle. It will be favorable to do business, sign deeds, deal with papers, laws, justice and money in general. Turn to the more material side of life and observe your applications, your investments, as you will have the chance to acquire goods and position yourself comfortably in life. On the other hand, if the previous years were not lived with determination, there may be a lack or difficulty in the material-financial aspect, and then your effort will have to be tripled to deal with it. In general, profits and opportunities for good ventures await you in 2021.

Personal Year - 9

You have reached the last year of this 9 year cycle and now you will receive the spiritual fruit of everything you have done and accomplished and also everything you should have done and ended up leaving aside. Year 9 brings conclusions, cuts, separations, and allows the old to go away, so you can start thinking about new seeds and ground for the coming year. You shouldn't try to act too much this year, because it's time to receive, and life will bring all the pending issues of the 9 years that need to be resolved before you definitively complete the novena cycle. Have faith, hope, calm and wait, because everything that no longer has to do with you will disappear, however new interests and desires will already begin to appear in front of you, but remember that the action must be for the next year 1 .

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I hope and wish that this information can help you prepare for the new year 2021 and that you are available to do the best you can and make a positive contribution to your life, to the people you care about and to the world at large, because we are all in the same ship called Earth.

If you liked the information and are interested in the study of Tarot or Numerology for self-knowledge, I leave below my pages on Facebook e Instagram, where I post a tarot card with information about the day and also a daily Numerology Tip.

My YouTube channel is available for those who appreciate Numerology, with various videos about name, date of birth, power signatures, powerful number, destiny, etc.

Gratitude to the Lessons of 2020, and welcome, 2021, with its news!

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