Let go of the clothes you no longer wear.

    If you are one of those people who has millions of clothes in the closet, but when you go out you don't like any of them, don't worry, you're not abnormal. The thing is, if you start acting differently, your problems will end!

    Ever heard the saying that less is more? The fact is that having too many pieces in your wardrobe won't help you at all, after all you end up wearing the same ones all the time and this happens most of the time due to the mess made in the closet, and then the clothes you wear the most are the ones that are always on top of the stack.

    In addition to compulsive purchases, acquired in promotions or by the simple fact of wanting to “buy something”, there are also those outfits that you will never wear. All this will only help to confuse your head when it comes to finding the perfect look.

    Let go of the clothes you no longer wear.

    Letting go of things is not an easy task, when it comes to clothes for women it is even more difficult, but we have separated some tips to help you in this complicated time:

    1. Old, torn and stained clothes can go straight to the trash and without mercy. You would never wear a piece like that.
    2. The ones that are in good condition, but that you never used again, send them for donation, other people will be happy and make good use of that piece.
    3. During our lives, we go through many different styles and some clothes that you bought a few years ago, and that are still in perfect condition, you won't wear them anymore, so donate to anyone who wants to adhere to the outfit.
    4. In your closet there are also new clothes that you bought and will never wear, donate, sell, trade, do anything, but take them out.
    5. Extend this idea to shoes and accessories as well.

    There will come a time when nothing else can be taken out of your closet, there you will only have the necessary and the best, everything within reach of your eyes. This is a difficult procedure, one has to let go of emotions and attachments. With this method of organization it will be possible to identify exactly what you do or do not need to acquire. This is the real proof that quantity is not quality.

    • Written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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