Happiness is your greatest gift

    “In vain do we seek true happiness outside of ourselves, if we do not have its source within us.” –

    Marquis of Marica.

    What is happiness to you? Some people feel happy when they are with loved ones, friends or family. Others find happiness by traveling, studying or devoting themselves to religion. There are still those who attribute happiness to good health. The truth is that there are countless sources of happiness, but there is no recipe for getting there. I believe that happiness does not depend on a date or a moment, it depends on each of us, it depends on you!

    When we have this awareness about happiness, it becomes easier to face problems. Life becomes less complicated, consequently, you are happier. However, the pursuit of happiness needs to be in the present, in the moment now. Neither in the past nor in the future. Otherwise, it can cause various diseases.

    Once, a good friend told me that he was going to travel to the United States. I was very happy and said: “How cool! And when will the trip take place?” The answer surprised me: “Two years from now”. “How so?” I asked. "Are you thinking about that trip you're taking two years from now?"

    Happiness is your greatest giftUnfortunately, most people are like that. Lives focused on the future, lives (pre)occupying. And those who live so long up front end up developing the anxiety, one of the most disturbing diseases of our time. The one that makes you want to eat all night long, that makes you have lunch twice, dinner three times and still feel “hungry”. On the other hand, it can suppress your appetite and affect your sleep quality.

    Likewise, living stuck in the past can be catastrophic. Thinking about how thin you were, how many friends you had, and what your latest accomplishments were is not going to change your life for the better. On the contrary, it can generate anguish, depression and other illnesses. Living stuck in the past can lead a person to regrets that are harmful and that do nothing to contribute to their well-being and happiness.

    So my recommendation is: Carpe Diem! The now! I always reinforce this in my lectures. There are people who live thinking about the past, there are people who live thinking about the future, these people end up not living the most special moment, the present time. And that creates great unhappiness.

    And in the corporate environment there are signs that point out that it is necessary to be attentive to emotions. Just realize how happy some people are only on Fridays, Saturdays (when they don't have to work) and Sundays (until the time they hear the music from Fantástico, which means that Monday is coming and that it will start all over again). Is it or isn't it exactly like that? Employees are unhappy, many even have symptoms of anxiety and depression throughout their careers. There are several studies that show this.

    In this way, I believe that happiness depends on you. I think you should never leave your happiness in someone else's hands, whether in your personal or professional life. Nor do you have to attribute this feeling to something material, to a position or even to someone. Because, by placing happiness in what is inherent, we create an expectation and the chance of being disappointed is very high. Keep in mind that being happy depends solely on you, your attitudes and your level of consciousness.

    Whether at work or in your personal life, no one has a completely satisfying life. We all have problems and difficulties. Sometimes I come across people who tell me that if they had my life they would be happier. But how to say something like that? This thought is a big mistake. Human beings tend to see only the victories and achievements of the other and only perceive defects and problems in themselves. Soon, they assume that they are unhappy for having nothing, but they believe that that friend's life is a show and that he has a "life". Read mistake. Each of us has a life story and, like you, I've been (and still do) through many unpleasant situations. However, what makes one person different from another is how each one deals with adversity.

    Don't forget: happiness depends on you! Live the present! Today is day to be happy!

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