Leaving an inheritance or leaving a legacy

It is a fact that during our lives we set goals (which we do not always follow), however, the essence of all our experience is summarized in the structure in which all stories are composed: beginning, middle and end. It may be cliché, but the only egalitarian structure of every human being is this, and there is nothing that changes that. Considering this information, have you ever stopped to think about what will be left of you when you die?

Our race for money, hours and hours of work, we often reach exhaustion, we stop fulfilling our dreams, we give up family moments, we no longer have time to be with our children...

To you, dear reader, I offer the following reflection: leave a legacy or leave a legacy?

When we talk about inheritance, it in its denotative sense consists of material goods, with guaranteed sharing in the relevant legislation, where it is done per head, according to the people able to inherit (children, spouse, etc.). It covers everything you saved during your entire life and that now, with your death, will be divided to whoever is entitled under the legislation in force. And that's it, your distribution is distributed.

Leaving an inheritance or leaving a legacy
Arthur Brognoli/Pexels

When we talk about legacy, we are referring to what we have built during our lives, and which, even when we are no longer in this world, will continue to speak for us.

So that we have the depth of this construction, let's do a brief mental exercise. Close your eyes. Imagine, now, that you, for whatever reason, died but you are still watching life here on Earth and the first thing you can participate in is your funeral. Can you imagine the reaction of each of the family and friends? What do you think they are saying? That you were a nice person? Who did what he promised? Who was a good friend, boss, employee, partner? Who was always willing to help? Your family, what do you remember? From the tours and experiences you've had? Or unfulfilled promises?

Did you realize how much our passage here is something much more significant than an exacerbated search for the construction or reservation of material goods?

All the above questions will have their answers based on the legacy you leave. Because the legacy is what, even when we are no longer in this world, will continue to speak for us.

Most people don't think about it, and end up leaving nothing to remember. They live a life without purpose and, most of the time, these people have not found a meaning behind their attitudes and their lives. We can only leave a positive and relevant legacy when we discover our purpose, chart a path to it and follow it.

Leaving an inheritance or leaving a legacy
Engin Akyurt/Pexels

Having a legacy and a purpose is essential for us to have enough wisdom and energy to overcome life's adversities and obstacles, and consequently succeed in our relationships, our business and in our life. Promoting a positive legacy at the end of your journey is what will motivate you to innovate, to perceive solutions that no one else sees.

So, if you want to innovate, first think about the legacy you want to leave. If you don't already know, start by identifying your purpose. Think about what you want to be remembered for. You can even be inspired by the personalities or other people you admire. What achievements do you want? What inspires you to be a better person, to be more human, to help those in need?

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Don't be afraid to discover yourself, go for it, choose a path that inspires you and change if you think it's necessary. Go on foot, go in faith, go any way you can! But go! Because, if you walk the path, you will leave your legacy here.

But before all this planning, you need to keep in mind what you want to leave here: a legacy or an inheritance?

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