How to cultivate peace, clarity and balance during times of crisis

We are experiencing a collective crisis, triggered by Covid 19, and this event is unprecedented and exclusive to humanity today, however, our ancestors experienced challenges on a similar scale, or even worse, that caused great damage and chaos in their lives.

Plagues, wars, natural catastrophes, hunger and misery caused paradigm shifts and social transformations, which contributed to advances and progress and paved the way for us.

We are living a difficult time, without a doubt, and that requires us to be lucid and balanced, because without these attributes we can get lost in the midst of so much information, fear and anxiety in the face of sad news and events caused by the new coronavirus pandemic.

How to cultivate peace, clarity and balance during times of crisis
Pexels/Kat Jayne

Each one of us lives a reality in the face of the current scenario: unemployment, emotional instability, loneliness, family conflicts, pause, reflection, rest, union with the family, in short, there are several individual situations in a single collective moment, but that shakes to a lesser extent. or greater degree all of us.

In this context, this content comes to present some alternatives to deal with our sensitivity, emotions and thoughts, when they get turbulent; after all, we are human beings and we are not immune to it.

Having actions and habits that contribute to maintaining serenity and lucidity, in the face of difficult times, can be of great value in keeping our focus on what is essential for us.

Actions that help to have lucidity and balance in difficult times

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1- Put light in the shadows of fear:

When thoughts of fear, insecurity and doubt take away your peace and cloud your discernment, visualize a shimmering and very bright white LIGHT coming in and enveloping your mind and body.

Feel the softness of this LIGHT dissipating and taking the place of the dark thoughts that are tormenting you.

2- Pay attention to your breath:

Our breathing is a signal of how our nervous system, our mind and our emotional state are doing.

A short, panting and accelerated breath is a sign of tension and nervousness, so pay attention to your breathing.

When your adrenaline is running wild, because of worries and nervousness, STOP, bring your attention back to your breathing.

How to cultivate peace, clarity and balance during times of crisis
123rf/Aleksandr Davydov

For this exercise, sit in a quiet place and INSPIRE, gradually and deeply, noticing the air filling your lungs. Then, EXHALE, calmly, through your mouth, watching the air emptying your lungs. Repeat this process until you calm down.

3- Filter the impressions and information that enter through the five senses:

We are bombarded by thousands of impressions and information in our daily lives, if we don't filter them we will have an overload on our mind, which can bring imbalances in our bodies and emotions.

Our mental state influences and affects our health. Therefore, select the sources of information and impressions from the outside world.

Excessive tragic news can generate a state of panic, depression or psychosomatic illnesses. This will only exacerbate the situation and trigger physical and emotional imbalance.

4- Tome Sol:

In these times when many people are complying with social isolation to prevent the spread of Covid-19 or, even, there are those who are on the front line working on essential services for society, it is necessary to take time to sunbathe.

Sunlight revitalizes and energizes our body, as well as promoting more mood and well-being, fighting depression, insomnia and vitamin D deficiency.

Choose a period of the day, spend about 20 minutes in the sun, feeling the sun's rays penetrate your skin and energize you to have more energy, cheer and deal better with this moment.

5- Do activity you love to do:

If you are quarantining to prevent the new coronavirus or, on the contrary, you need to work, take time to do what you love and make you feel good.

Do activities that give you satisfaction and pleasure; be a hobby; a reading; do artistic activity; sing; to dance; write; listen to music; to practice a gift, something that has a vocation; do a volunteer service; being with those who feel good, whether people and/or animals; finally, let your soul out, doing what feels good.

6- Read, watch programs and videos that promote good reflections and greater discernment:

Look for quality information that can increase your discernment, allowing you to have greater clarity of vision and understanding of reality.

Suddenly, even a humorous program or video can help you feel better by stimulating the production of serotonin, the feel-good hormone.

How to cultivate peace, clarity and balance during times of crisis
123rf/Ivan Kruk

Take care not to give your mind to what could harm you and leave you lost, terrified and unbalanced.

7- Meditate, continuously:

Meditating, contrary to what many think, is something that can be continuous and frequent in every moment of our day.

We may be washing dishes and meditating; talking to someone and meditating; taking a shower and continuing to meditate.

Meditation is being present in ourselves, in our body and in our mind; feeling our heart and our breath; finally, to be aligned with our perception, both internally and externally.

The more we amplify our state of PRESENCE, the more we establish contact with our Essence, Primordial Source and Core of Perception.

8- Focus on what depends on you to change or improve

When problems arise, ask yourself β€œwhat can I do to solve or create another reality?” and if it is within your reach, promote actions to solve and improve the situation.

If, on the other hand, you do not have control of the situation, adapt to it, keeping control of your internal state with what has already been described in this content.

It is worth remembering that everything passes and brings transformations that we can use to our benefit, giving new meaning to our existence.

Our attitudes can contribute to improving the reality

May these alternatives be useful, especially for those who need to restore balance in the face of the challenge we are experiencing.

How to cultivate peace, clarity and balance during times of crisis
Pixabay/Dean Moriarty

Today we may not have the dimension of the transformations that may happen in us and in society, but we need to contribute to this happening with less damage and more improvements.

In this sense, our internal state can be decisive for our personal improvement and a reality with more meaning and truth.

By cultivating peace within ourselves, we will be able to go through this crisis in the best possible way, extracting wisdom and new possibilities that contribute to creating a more satisfying life context for our personal development. And thus cooperate for the betterment of the collective.

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