Learn which foods help fight cancer

No food can prevent cancer, but a good combination can make a difference and help your body. A precious tip is: separate your plate into 3 divisions: ⅔ of vegetables and only ⅓ of protein. This tip was given according to the program “New American Dish”, created by the American Institute for Cancer Research.

Let's look at some food options that help fight cancer as they allow your body to be more forte against diseases:

Fighting cancer using color

Learn which foods help fight cancer
Ella Olsson/Pexels

Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients, and the more color the food has, the more nutrients it contains. These foods lower the risk of cancer and also help you maintain a healthy body. When you are underweight, it increases your risk of several types of cancer, such as cervical cancer, esophageal cancer, and kidney cancer. Eat a variety of vegetables, especially dark greens (kale), reds (peppers) and oranges (carrots).

Breakfast fighting cancer

Learn which foods help fight cancer
Daria Shevtsova / Pexels

Folic acid is an important B-complex vitamin that protects your body against cervical, rectal and breast cancer. You can find this vitamin in your breakfast! Include lots of cereals and juices in your morning meal. Orange, melon and strawberry juices are great options.

More folic acid on your plate

Learn which foods help fight cancer
Emrah Tolu/Pexels

Two other foods that are rich in folic acid are chicken eggs, asparagus, beans, cauliflower and spinach. The best thing is not to ingest capsules of this rich vitamin, but to ingest these foods. The best way to get all the vitamin is straight from the natural food.

Avoid processed meats

Learn which foods help fight cancer
PhotoMIX Company/Pexels

Occasionally consuming a sausage sandwich or a hot dog won't hurt that much. But, avoid the consumption of processed meats, such as sausage. This lowers the risk of getting stomach cancer and raising cholesterol.

Tea and its great potential

Learn which foods help fight cancer
Maria Tyutina/Pexels

Green tea can be a good resource to fight cancer. Laboratory studies conclude that green tea can slow and even prevent the development of cervical cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer. In other, more in-depth studies, tea has been linked to the potential to fight stomach and pancreatic cancer.

consumption of grapes

Learn which foods help fight cancer
Kai-Chieh Chan/Pexels

Grapes and grape juice, especially red grapes, contain resveratrol, which is a great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. In laboratory studies, this polyphenol helped fight cancer cells. Even if studies do not prove its total effectiveness, it is always good to consume foods that are beneficial to our body.

Turmeric protects!

Turmeric is a powerful ingredient sourced from India and has the potential to help fight cancer. Laboratory studies have shown that this spice is able to stop the development, proliferation and invasion of cancer cells in the human body.

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It is worth mentioning that no food mentioned fights cancer completely. All these foods, in addition to being good for health, have properties that help our body to protect, fight and prevent cancer cells. But that doesn't leave anyone immune forever!

Having a balanced diet, a healthy life and lots of love in your heart also helps you to have a better life, away from diseases!

Text translated and adapted by Natália Iannone from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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