Learn self-massage and relax whenever you want

    Who doesn't like to receive a relaxing massage, the kind that makes you fall asleep so delicious? It's really wonderful, but we don't always have the opportunity to enjoy this service, either for lack of time, money, or any other reason.

    And it's not because we can't pay for this service that we should stop enjoying all the benefits that a good massage brings to the body and mind, is it?

    That is, massage reduces stress and increases pleasure, which is why we feel so relaxed and at peace after a good massage.

    But these are not the only benefits that this technique provides to the body. Massage helps to reduce anxiety, improves blood circulation, reduces fluid retention that causes swelling and pain, reduces muscle tension – and, consequently, muscle pain –, in addition to eliminating toxins that are harmful to our body. As if so many benefits weren't enough, facial massage also helps to reduce facial expression lines.  

    For so many reasons, massage should be part of everyone's routine. And don't think it's hard to do it! Of course, massages performed by trained professionals are very different, since there are techniques and movements that cannot be performed on their own, as well as the use of possible accessories.

    However, there is a way to introduce massage into our daily lives without needing the help of other people. Below, Eu Sem Fronteiras has separated for you several ways on how to do self-massage in an easy and very pleasant way, in different areas of the body. Enjoy!

    Head and face self-massage

    Place your fingertips on your forehead and gently slide them to the top of your head. Put the necessary amount of force into your fingers to provide even more relaxation for you. Go back and forth with your fingers – from forehead to top of head – between three and four times.

    Then place two fingers between the eyebrows and the temples. Make circular movements and, again, deposit the necessary force for him to relax - the intensity of force varies according to each one. Perform circular movements for about a minute.

    Position the index fingers behind the ears and, with the necessary force, slide them to the throat, pressing the entire region. Do this movement three to four times. While performing all the movements, close your eyes and breathe slowly.

    Learn self-massage and relax whenever you want


    The neck is one of the areas of the human body where people accumulate tensions the most, so it is worth worrying about this part of the body and practicing self-massage, not only to provide the region with more relaxation, but also to feel better as a person. one all.

    For this area, place your index fingers on the back of your neck, close to the roots of your hair. Make circular movements from the roots of the hair to the shoulders, throughout the region, including close to the ears.

    Then, return your fingers to the proximity of the root of the hair – only this time, all the fingers but the thumbs. Press them against your skin – using the strength necessary to relax – and slide them sideways until your hands meet in front of your body.


    There are several ways to massage the abdomen, but with different purposes. Regarding relaxation, a suggestion is to make circles around the navel with your fingers, clockwise.


    Have you ever noticed that hands work all day? Even when we are relaxing and practicing self-massage on the rest of the body! So they also deserve a break. To relax them, place your right thumb in the center of your left palm and make circular motions. Do the same with the other hand.


    Massaging your feet is a simple task that you can do while you work, without having to interrupt any activity. Just place a tennis ball under one of your feet and make circular movements, back and forth, while pressing the ball. Repeat this as many times as you like.

    Don't have a tennis ball? A bottle of ice water is a great solution! Cold water will even help improve blood circulation in your feet. We only recommend that you perform the massage on one foot at a time, to focus on the movements and for the sensation of pleasure to become even greater.

    Liked? So don't waste time and put it into practice! Remember that you can practice self-massage whenever you want., especially in times of a lot of stress and headaches, for example. Surely this technique will help you to bear these situations in a less painful way.

    Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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