Learn not to be shaken by anything

    Think of any uncomfortable event in your day. Thought? Very well, now analyze what you felt (โ€ฆ).

    What you felt could have been hatred, revolt, indignation or any other emotion, it doesn't matter, just realize that it is precisely this feeling that manifests itself in the memory of the event, do you know why? Because we magnetize everyday occurrences with emotions, and this emotional fuel makes these events keep happening in our unconscious, staying alive, influencing our choices, creating beliefs and shaping our character, simple as that. All the imbalance of the being results from these contents, all mental or physical illnesses have their origin in events loaded with importance and meaning.

    However, the events that we face with indifference or that do not affect us in any way simply dissolve, and, if they are remembered, they will not bring us any discomfort, they will be treated only as records without any affective charge.

    We can conclude, therefore, that the biggest problem of the human condition lies in managing emotions, because if we were not affected by experiences, if we treated events with indifference and managed to maintain the balance of the vicissitudes so common in relationships with the world, none of this would happen. .

    Learn not to be shaken by anything
    Lona / Unsplash

    Man suffers to process reality, he suffers because he needs to develop Consciousness and understand that any importance he is giving to an event will make it remain alive, vibrating in our memory, in this sense we need to work on detachment.

    Letting go, therefore, is the way to liberation, because we are stuck to what we hold of importance, to what, in a certain way, we magnetize with value. All that

    that we value enslaves us, whether things or people, we should not treat external phenomena as responsible for our realization, much less think that we are the owners of anything. No one, in reality, can solve our internal problems, precisely because they are internal. As the Nazarene Master teaches: โ€œWhere your treasure is, there your heart will also beโ€. We can conclude that the simple fact of not giving importance to what happens is the most intelligent and powerful attitude we can adopt.

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    It's time to learn that any problem only exists within us, outside our being there is only information, who turns this information into something problematic is ourselves, with our lack of understanding.

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