Law of Attraction: Like attracts like

The opposites attract themselves? It may be, but it is a great truth to say that like attracts. It depends on the degree of subtlety of the context.

My wife and I, for example, have different tastes, ways, styles and manias. It goes beyond "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus", it's hilarious. Buying her a surprise gift is a big risk. I need to, at the very least, make sure the store accepts exchanges, because it's very likely to happen. And all that disagreement doesn't make her any less attractive to me. On the contrary, I find it all, to say the least, cute.

On the surface, we are opposites… And in love since 2001.

In depth, we are similar.

We have the same purposes, the same principles. Our moral values ​​are identical. It was these concepts that attracted us. Especially considering that we were 800 kilometers apart, with dial-up internet (don't even care what that is), in a chat room, thinking about anything but finding the love of our lives.

And obviously, for weeks, the digital conversation didn't go into the depth of ethical conduct, on the contrary, it focused on our differences that, little by little, increasingly complemented each other.

If we were physically distant, if we didn't talk about our nature, what attracted us?

It was our intention, it was our energy, our “gravitational field”. Our interest in sharing subjects that, on the surface, might even seem ephemeral, but that started from bases with the same moral integrity.

Although we were unaware of it, two Laws were at work: that of attraction and that of detachment. While we were comfortable experiencing how similar we were in essence (attraction) there was no expectation in this relationship (detachment). My first marriage had been to a neighbor (yes, the loved one would have to be as close as possible) while my wife had a stable life in the south of the country.

When we realized, there was no other option but the our union.

I'll stop with the romance here so as not to give the impression that the law of attraction is about relationships. The law of attraction is about anything, whether you like it or not.

You might say, “Well, the story above was an accidental occurrence, not intentionally provoked. How do I consciously use the law of attraction?”

It's very simple. If you feel that your life is going in negative circles or that the results you get are far from what you would like, change who you are!

Because you attract results similar to who you are as a person. Your beliefs, habits and behaviors make you relate to people, places and facts that naturally bring the results you are attracting to your life.

Law of Attraction: Like attracts like

If you are always complaining, you will be comfortable with people who complain. These people are in tune with the violence of traffic, with the political news, with discussions on social networks. These people are seeing poverty around, they are increasingly rigid and somatizing diseases. They don't have time to relax.

Meanwhile, people who have abundance thoughts are comfortably relating, by similarity, to abundant people.

But you already know that. Typing “the law of attraction” into Google, he finds approximately 1.280.000 results. Everyone talks, everyone wants to, but few have access to the Law of Attraction. My perception is that this happens due to lack of rules.

In my lectures, at Pandora Trainings, I tell how we “unintentionally” got a new headquarters in Jardim Paulista and how I bought an apartment without money, but stories won't make anyone leave theory and go into practice, so I'm going to show the way I attract the results I want into my life.

Studying yoga and meditation, I had access to the book “The Yoga Sutras De Patañjali”. It is a classic text on the theory and practice of traditional Yoga (which is not the gymnastics we know in the West). It was written by a sage named Patanjali. The second chapter, Sadhana Pāda, is where the rules of conduct that lead any serious practitioner to change their life are found.

How did it work for me? It took me time to understand that it's no use following the rules just a little bit, but I also understood that it's not necessary to execute them perfectly to get amazing results. The Buddha said that whoever begins to walk the right path is immediately benefited. And whoever stays on the path is heading towards the end of suffering.

The rules are simple and you can use the concept of Relational Coherence (which I heard from Yoga teacher Camila Reitz) which means something like: the message is spoken to the listener. That is, each one, at their level of perception, will understand in a way and that is correct. As you refine your state of consciousness, the rules of conduct gain new meanings and deepen your understanding. As a result, new benefits of these practices are achieved.

These rules are known as Yamas e Niyamas and I just show what they are about and the benefits that are available to the practitioner:

Yama – Moral discipline

1 – Ahimsa – Intention not to practice violence
Through Ahimsa, we develop magnetism for good. If violence attracts violence, love will attract love.

2 – Satya – Commitment to the truth
Through Satya, everything we speak becomes real. Practice correct speech (mental and verbal) and you will be closer to turning your intention into reality.

3 – Asteya – Refrain from taking what does not belong to you
Through Asteya, all riches come our way. Practice honesty in your daily life and in the little things, that abundance comes your way.

4 – Brahmacharya – Moderation of the senses
Through Brahmacharya, vital energy is at your disposal and makes you vigorous.

5 – Aparigraha – Absence of possessiveness
Through Aparigraha, understanding that we have what we need, brings the understanding of existence.

Nyama – Personal conduct

6 – Saucha – Purification of the senses
Through Saucha, the disposition for interiorization arises, facilitating self-knowledge and union with your Higher Self.

7 – Santosha – Contentment
Through Santosha, supreme happiness arises, for I have what I deserved.

8 – Tapas – Self-discipline
Through Tapas, perfection of focus and concentration arises.

9 – Svadhyaya – Autoanálise
Through Svadhyaya, reading oneself without judgment, knowledge becomes wisdom.

10 – Ishvara Pranidhana – Entrega
With Ishvara Pranidhana, we understand that the unlearned lesson is repeated. Humility is knowing that we cannot change the past or predict the future.

There is a lot of information on the internet about the Yamas and Niyamas and it is worth studying on the subject, but there is no use in much knowledge without practical application. Don't believe anything I've written. Try it in your life and share your learnings.

Good habits!

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