Law of Attraction: 68 seconds of good vibes

How long does it take to feel attracted, sad, excited, or desperate? It takes some time for feelings to begin to blossom within us. What if you knew that it's only 68 seconds that condition an attraction? To understand the process is simple. When you are sad, just think or refer to more sad subjects to be even sadder. The same happens with good news, for example, we think of other good things and positive energy is vibrated.
Why vibrate good things?

It's nothing new to imagine yourself traveling on that dream trip and your next few minutes are full of hope and joy. And the opposite happens if you remember a fight and afterward you felt guilty and sad.

Law of Attraction: 68 seconds of good vibesHence, mentalize good things, how happiness and prosperity helps to vibrate a good energy that consequently helps us to actually do what we propose. As a vibrant energy, it becomes easier to achieve and aim for things.

If you are vibrating with sadness, melancholy, anger, maybe the minutes, days and even weeks can be a real turmoil. Even if you are now in a situation that is not pleasant, nothing prevents you from getting out of it, as long as you imagine good things and of course, vibrate. So, dreaming a lot doesn't cost anything.

How to apply the 68 second Law of Attraction in my life?

There is no mystery, the more you focus on what you want with the certainty that it will happen, the greater the chances of you conquering it, be it a lasting relationship, a job you enjoy, a home, health, happy moments.

  • First: choose something you want to accomplish. But calm down this time. Like every human being we are insatiable and we always want and aim to have a lot for yesterday. So, to simplify the 68-second law of attraction, initially think of something practical and be very objective in this choice;
  • Start imagining what you want, or hope for, to come true. Be very central in this choice. Spend 17 seconds just thinking about it. And then another 17 seconds, until it reaches exactly 68 seconds. Focusing on your goal in these 68 seconds is the most important step. The biggest mistake is thinking in less time. And here it's worth being connected, vibrating, as if what you want is really happening right now;
  • Act: It's no use focusing on imagination, vibrate if you don't act. Yes, things do not happen by chance or miracle. If things are far from happening, earn it and go after it. Is work not good? Perhaps or more likely your energy and vibration is from a job that makes you unhappy.

Imagine, vibrate, act. Perhaps these three words sum up the 68-second Law of Attraction.

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