lavender for insomnia

lavender for insomnia

To stay healthy physically and mentally, the body needs rest. However, some people cannot sleep for a variety of reasons, including everyday stress, depression, anxiety, chronic pain and the use of certain medications. These people may have insomnia, a disorder characterized by the absence or interruption of sleep.

More frequent in adulthood, insomnia affects mainly residents of large urban centers. And the effects of not sleeping well are physical, mental and social, with lack of concentration, irritability and distractions that disrupt life in everyday situations both at home and at work.

Some want to resolve the issue and turn to specialists for medication. Others adopt relaxation techniques or the practice of meditation. And there are those who seek natural alternatives, including the use of essential oils, one of the most important for this purpose is lavender.

The study “The use of essential oils from Lavandula angustifolia, Pelargonium graveolens and Citrus bergamia in the fight against anxiety”, published on 01/03/2021, in the Brazilian Journal of Development, describes that the main objectives of using lavender essential oil are refer to treatments for stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression. It points out that other studies on the benefits of lavender aroma have shown that linalool and linalyl acetate can stimulate the parasympathetic system, the latter having narcotic effects and linalool acting as a sedative (SEIFI, et al., 2014).

According to the European Pharmacopoeia, the main constituents of lavender essential oil are linalool (20-50%), linalyl acetate (25-46%), terpinen-4-ol (3-5%), and others. in lower concentration (ALVES, 2018). They have sedative effects and help relax the body and mind, restoring mental balance, harmonizing feelings, bringing awareness of reality and peace (ANDREI, 2005). Then learn how lavender essential oil can be used against insomnia in the following text!

Insomnia treatment with lavender

It is possible to treat insomnia with natural products, among them essential oils, which are extracted from aromatic plants and have beneficial properties for various functions of the body. One of the most important is lavender essential oil. According to the scientific journal Frontiers in Psychology, published on January 13, 2015, the plant promotes a feeling of trust in others, relieves insomnia and headaches and even helps in the treatment of depression.

Furthermore, according to the study “The effect of aromatherapy with lavender on the autonomic nervous system of middle-aged women with insomnia”, aromatherapy with lavender has brought efficient results for the treatment of insomnia. A group of 67 women, between 45 and 55 years of age, underwent twenty inhalations of lavender for three months, twice a week. An aromatherapy diffuser with 50 milliliters of water and 0,25 millimeters of lavender essential oil was used. Before inhalation, the women in the study relaxed in a comfortable chair and at least three hours before they did not consume caffeine or alcohol. A reduction in mean heart rate and improvements in sleep quality were observed.

lavender benefits

Widely used in the cosmetics, perfumery, medicine and food industries, lavender is a very aromatic and resistant ornamental plant, with lilac blooms. It can be grown in gardens or pots, as long as it receives three to four hours of sunlight daily, is in calcareous soil and in well-drained soil.

In addition to being important in the world economy, lavender, through its essential oil, brings many benefits to people, including:

  1. Calming, as it has properties that help lower blood pressure and improve heart function, relaxing and calming the body and mind.
  2. Combat insomnia by replacing medications that can cause unwanted side effects and addiction. It balances the nervous system and induces relaxation and sleep. Inhaling lavender essential oil increases alpha brain wave activity, which is associated with relaxation, and reduces beta wave activity, which makes us alert.
  3. Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, bactericidal and healing, being able to promote skin health and recover injuries.
  4. Relief from nasal congestion and symptoms of flu, cough, asthma, bronchitis and laryngitis.
  5. Aid for babies to relax and sleep well, as it reduces agitation, as it has bioactive compounds, such as linalool and anethole, which act on the central nervous system and reduce cortisol levels.
  6. Interesting and differentiated flavor for both sweet and savory dishes.
  7. Perfume and feeling of well-being for environments.
  8. Use in massages, helping to relieve muscle tensions and being a great moisturizer.

The versatility of lavender

The versatility of lavender has been known for a long time, with varied applications and can be used at different times, for example during the bath, before bed, when cleaning the house, etc. Here's how to make the best use of this plant:

1 – Aromatize the house

  • Place a few sprigs of dried lavender in a vase on a table, sideboard or in the bathroom.
  • Apply a few drops of the essential oil on the paraffin of a candle, next to the wick. When lighting it, the heat of the flame will release the perfume in the environment.
  • Sew sachets using tulle and place dried lavender. Place them in closets and drawers, bringing perfume to clothes as well.
  • Light a lavender incense in a place in the house or wherever you wish. In addition to a delicious perfume, a light and cheerful atmosphere in the environment will hover in the environment.
  • Mix 10 drops of lavender essential oil with 150 ml of water in a spray bottle. Shake the mixture and spray in the environment you want.

2 – To carry in the bag

Purchase a bottle of lavender essential oil at a good aromatherapy store or health food pharmacy and carry it in your purse. If you have a headache, feel anxious or irritated, inhale the scent for a few minutes.

3 - In the bath

Fill the bathtub with water at a temperature of 37 degrees and put lavender bath salts or 10 drops of the essential oil. Stay in immersion for 20 to 30 minutes. In the shower, use the loofah as a base for some of the salts or apply a few drops of the oil directly on it. If you prefer, apply them in the palm of your hand and pass through the wet body. Rinse after a few minutes.

4 – Tea

In a teacup (230 ml) place a teaspoon of dried lavender or four teaspoons of fresh flowers, with a teaspoon of lemon balm. Add boiling water and leave covered, infusion, for 5 to 7 minutes and strain. It can be consumed hot or warm, preferably with little or no sugar.

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5 – Before sleeping

  • Make a foot bath once a week, putting two liters of hot water in a basin, 10 drops of lavender essential oil and a tablespoon of coarse salt. Let your feet soak for 15 minutes.
  • Apply 5 drops of lavender essential oil to an air freshener in the bedroom and close the door for a few minutes. Let the aroma spread. If you don't have an air freshener, apply it over the lampshade and turn it on. The heat from the lamp will release the aroma.
  • With a mixture of 50 ml of water and 2 drops of lavender essential oil in a spray bottle, apply to sheets and pillows from a distance of six inches, a few minutes before bed.

Now that you know a little about lavender, know that, on average, adult people need 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted rest, to replenish the energies used during the day. Lavender can help you relax and prevent insomnia, a sleep disorder that is more common than we think. So take advantage of our tips and use it in your home. Establish a routine that encourages good sleep, such as taking a hot shower, eating light meals and switching off electronic devices. Calm down and rest in peace.

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