Lapis Lazuli Stone: learn how to use its therapeutic effects

Have you ever noticed how rare it is to find blue objects in nature? It is difficult to think of flowers and fruits that have this color, for example. But that doesn't mean blue is non-existent. In fact, it is the predominant tone in the lapis lazuli stone, which carries important energies. Next, discover every detail about this unique crystal in nature!

Lapis lazuli stone meaning

The first thing we should know about lapis lazuli stone is where it gets its name from. The expression was formed from the Latin language. While β€œlapis” means β€œstone”, β€œlazulum” is β€œlife of the king”. In other words, lapis lazuli would be the stone of the king's life. For this reason, it is often called the "Pharaoh's Stone".

What is lapis lazuli stone used for?

Lapis Lazuli Stone: learn how to use its therapeutic effects
wollertz / 123rf

For a crystal to be considered the pharaoh's stone, we have already deduced that it has a lot of power. But what are these very positive vibrations that the stone can emanate? Read on to understand how the crystal works in the physical body, in the spiritual body and in environments.

1) Physical body

In the physical body, lapis lazuli is important in the treatment of ailments that affect the throat. In addition, the stone can be used to fight headaches and to improve the functioning of the endocrine system.

2) Spiritual body

The main function of lapis lazuli in the spiritual body is mental clarity. The stone is able to stimulate wisdom, inspire meditation and expand consciousness. Also, the crystal is useful for promoting lucid dreams and even astral projection.

3) Environments

In the workplace or at home, lapis lazuli is important for developing good mood and communication between people. Therefore, it can be a way to maintain good coexistence, despite the difficulties of everyday life.

stone symbology

The positive characteristics of lapis lazuli, although used today, have been noticed since antiquity. It is believed that the spiritual strength of this stone is very high, so it has always been related to spiritual guardians.

On the other hand, Ancient Egypt considered lapis lazuli as a gateway to the spiritual plane of existence. As such, crystal was often included in tombs, jewelry, and sculptures.

Other peoples who paid attention to the powers of lapis lazuli were some indigenous peoples. For them, the crystal would have the power to make the truth prevail, preventing a person from telling lies.

Interesting facts about lapis lazuli

The benefits of lapis lazuli stone were once useful to the pharaohs and indigenous peoples. And, nowadays, she stands out as the power stone of some professions and some signs. This means that the characteristics it presents are intensified for people who fit into the following topics:

Lapis lazuli stone and the professions

Lapis Lazuli Stone: learn how to use its therapeutic effects
jonnysek / 123rf

Since the lapis lazuli stone offers mental clarity and encourages the search for the truth, it is easy to identify which professions benefit from it. They are those who need creativity, attention, emotional control and honesty. So crystal is the power stone for professionals:

- Lawyers;

β€” Journalists;

β€” Students;

β€” Musicians;

β€” Psychologists and therapists.

Lapis lazuli stone and the signs

The signs privileged by the lapis lazuli stone are influenced in different ways by it. Identify what benefits the crystal offers in each case:

β€” Taurus: encourages the elaboration of plans that bring stability;

β€” Aquarius: inspires the opening of the mind to new perspectives on the world;

β€” Sagittarius: accentuates good humor and favors the intellect.

How to use lapis lazuli stone?

Even if the lapis lazuli stone is not your stone of power, it is possible to receive the good vibrations it offers. If you want to improve your communication with other people or combat everyday irritation, for example, add raw crystal to your home or work.

However, if you are in need of more protection in your days, you should use lapis lazuli as an amulet, whether on a bracelet, on a key chain or on a necklace.

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Or, if you want to heal some aspect of your physical body that can be improved with the power of the stone, place lapis lazuli in your third eye in a moment of meditation.

By doing this, in addition to improving the health of your body, you will stimulate the meditative process, connecting with your consciousness.

How do I clean my lapis lazuli stone?

After using your lapis lazuli many times, you will notice the accumulation of impurities in the stone. To combat it, wash the crystal with running water, without using other ingredients, long enough to clean it. If desired, wash it in rainwater.

How to energize lapis lazuli stone?

Lapis Lazuli Stone: learn how to use its therapeutic effects
zlatamarka / 123rf

Once your lapis lazuli is clean, you should make sure it is energized as well. So, put it in contact with the sun's rays for three minutes. If you have chosen to clean with rainwater, you do not need to energize the stone afterwards.

Precautions for lapis lazuli stone

Despite the qualities of lapis lazuli, crystal can be harmful in a situation. As it is a stone that vibrates a lot of energies, it is not recommended to keep it in the bedroom, because it can disturb sleep.

From the information presented about the lapis lazuli stone, we observe that this powerful crystal is an important ally in meditation and in living with other people. Harness the powers of the Pharaoh's Stone to increase your mental clarity, elevate your wisdom and expand your consciousness.

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