know how to wait

    Beloved! The longer you wait for something, the longer it seems to take. That's because in the Third Dimension, the idea of ​​time is distorted. Time in 3D seems to drag on and the feeling is also different according to the moment each one is going through. When you have a good moment, little or nothing matters how long the days and hours last, however, for those who are experiencing a difficult moment, the impression they have is that time has actually stopped.

    Then, in the discomfort of pain or waiting, one has a different notion of time, and it seems to stretch out immensely. This wait is distressing and increases anxiety. Anxiety becomes a camouflaged fear; a fear of what has not yet arrived. By not knowing exactly how what is impatiently awaited will be, the energy is densified and causes a series of disorders, including health.

    The beliefs that everything ends with the death of the physical body are responsible for the haste that humans carry, but when the incarnate Spirit understands that he is immortal and that corporeal life is just a stage of his evolution, then everything begins to change. . Time also becomes more elastic and does not cause that apprehension as before.

    An example of this is what the Spirit lives in beyond the grave. Detached from matter, he expands his consciousness a little, enough to know that he is immortal and therefore time does not exist. In the Fourth Dimension, the Spirit has a different measure of time in relation to the incarnates. There is no calendar like here in 3D. There time is a sensation. According to the situation of each Spirit, time can seem long and painful or non-existent and pleasant.

    Already in the Fifth Dimension and above, there is no longer any measurement of time. He will always be the now. The past is present, as the Spirit remembers everything he has experienced at all times. The future is known as if it were also in the present, because the entire sequence of what will come is already known to everyone and at all times. There will be no more waiting and therefore no anxiety.

    The moment we are experiencing today is a Planetary Transition. This causes an awakening of consciences and an elevation in the understanding of how we are really going to change. Some are already with their feet in 5D. Just a few retreats to harmonize and release what will soon cease to exist. So, for them, time doesn't matter so much anymore. Thus, they are free from bouts of impatience and anxiety.

    But there are those who are now stepping into 5D for the first time. They put a foot there and then withdraw, because they still don't feel safe. This step forward and another step back provoke an agonizing indecision. This, then, is the cause of so much anxiety that many are feeling.

    know how to wait
    Ana Bregantin / Pexels

    Also because knowledge is not yet well-founded, lack of trust increases impatience. They ardently desire that there are deadlines for the events to come. And when a message says that something is going to happen soon, it sets that brief to be a few months or a few years.

    Now, the Master Jesus Christ announced that the times would be near two thousand years ago, and only now, in fact, that time has come. When angelic helpers say that we are about to see the dawn of a new day and a new humanity, they even try to say very soon in your linear time, so that we believe that certain events will not take another two thousand years to materialize.

    Yes, now everything is funneled and everything is decided, because there is nothing more to wait. Those who are ready don't have to wait for the rest. ENOUGH of experiences in duality on this planet has already been given. It is time to organize the drawers, as the school has announced the end of the course. This is the big difference today from the time when Christ Jesus was among us.

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    Don't wait for the days to come, because it would be as if you were at a station waiting for a train that doesn't have a time to arrive. Just know that he will come and when he is coming you will know that it is him. Trust! Do not put deadlines, as you may be disappointed if the estimated time does not meet your expectations. Everything will happen within the divine plan. This is the guarantee we can have and give to you. Yes, and it will be soon within our linear time, but this brief has the time for each thing and each situation, because everything is being executed to cause the least discomfort and the least turbulence possible, because a Planetary Transition is too grand for be understood within a consciousness that has not yet been extended.

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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