Sustainable decoration: concept, inspiration and tips

Sustainable decoration is a concept that is based on the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle. So, to practice it, it is essential to reuse materials that would be discarded, avoid wasting raw materials, use natural resources with awareness and bet on ecological options, less polluting for the environment.

If you are not a person who understands decoration, you must be imagining that it is very difficult to follow this lifestyle. It seems that it is worth buying everything ready, without worrying about the impacts that items to decorate can have on nature, doesn't it?

Even if it is tempting to abandon concern about what we do with the planet, we know that the future of the next generations depends on our attitudes. How about, then, give a revamp to your concepts about decoration to follow a more sustainable alternative? Find out how to make that change!

Is sustainable decor worth it?

Many people imagine that it is expensive to be sustainable. But is this true? Think about it: the purpose of sustainable decoration is to last for a long time, to avoid the disposal of materials and the acquisition of new products, which harm the environment.

Therefore, the furniture and other items you repurpose will be good quality ones that have withstood the effects of time and will continue to do so. You can buy them at thrift stores or antique stores that, with a few touches, will look like new.

Sustainable decoration: concept, inspiration and tips
wutthichai007 / Getty Images / Canva

In this scenario, the cost of each piece is much lower than buying a new piece, both for your pocket and for nature. In addition, you will bring a special touch to the decoration with items from other times, full of stories and personality, without paying extra for it.

If, however, you want to acquire new decor items, that is, that have never been used before, it is still possible to do so in a sustainable way. Materials such as reforested wood, cotton, linen, LED lamps and ceramics are options that do not harm the environment over time and are highly durable.

Also, you can creatively look at some items you already have that would otherwise be discarded. Recycling materials is key to sustainable decor. With it, a tire can become a small sofa; cans and bottles can become vases and much more. Do as many experiments as you need, but without exaggerating the amount of materials.

Less is more

Even though it is tempting to fill your home with sustainable decorative items, there is a fundamental point in this concept, which is “reduce”. This idea is all about minimalism, a modern, conscious lifestyle that will help you value what really matters in your life.

Through minimalism, we reduce our consumption levels and acquire only the objects that are useful and functional. If some element is just decorative, maybe it's not really necessary according to this theory. In that sense, you would acquire only what is paramount and what makes your life easier.

Although it is not mandatory to be minimalist to follow sustainable decor, this concept is interesting to guide your look when decorating your home or office. Do you really need everything you've accumulated over time? And does it make sense to buy more items if you already have so many others that can be refurbished?

These are the reflections that will make you more aware of the decoration you are designing and the environment in which you live. Over time, this kind of thinking will be almost automatic in your mind and you will be able to apply it even when it's time to decorate some special events. Learn more about it below.

Sustainable decorating ideas

You've already realized that sustainable decor pays off and can open your eyes to a new lifestyle. Did you know, however, that she can also renovate your room, your Christmas and any other party you decide to celebrate? Check out ideas for these situations for inspiration.

Sustainable decoration: concept, inspiration and tips
katerinamorozovaphotos / Canva

1) Sustainable bedroom decor

The main tip for decorating a sustainable room is to choose furniture that has history. So, go to a thrift store and do your mining. Another tip is to add plants to the environment. You can even put them in fairground crates, organized in the form of a dresser.

2) Sustainable Christmas decoration

For Christmas, how about adding a ladder for Santa Claus? You can decorate it with LED lights, for example. In the case of the Christmas tree, it is possible to decorate a tree that you already have in your house, giving it a more natural touch than the synthetic version of this ornament.

3) Sustainable party decoration

A sustainable party combines cutlery, plates and glass cups, but nothing disposable. Also, naturally dyed linen or cotton napkins will add a special touch. In addition, bet on cacti to decorate the environment, which can serve as a souvenir for the guests of the event.

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With the content you have just read, incorporating sustainable decor into your home or at a party will be a simple, fun and conscious task. Take advantage of our tips to transform environments without harming nature!

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