Kindness begets kindness… And vice versa!

    Personal and professional relationships increasingly demand discipline, agility, punctuality, quality, etc. As a result, good treatment often ends up being left out. “Well, but if I do everything right precisely because I don't waste time with superficialities. I do what must be done in the most objective way. I don't say please or thank you, but the positive results are unquestionable”. In fact, this is an argumentative basis that has foundation, but to what extent?

    Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if the great results achieved really come from the seconds, at most minutes, that you save yourself to be grateful daily? And is the effort to smile or use a friendly tone of voice so exhausting that it impacts your performance in other activities? Or are they just excuses for you not to do something you don't want to do?

    Kindness begets kindness… And vice versa!

    In fact, have you ever stopped to analyze whether the “effort” to be a little kinder can bring positive results not only professionally, but also personally? Having a better integration with co-workers and customers is essential for everything to be carried out in the most appropriate way. When both are achieved, satisfaction is joint, one complements the other. Being kind satisfies others, who being satisfied will also better evaluate your efforts.

    In the family environment it is the same thing. It is totally understandable that at the end of the day we are all tired, exhausted and that it is very difficult to develop any kind of activity other than rest. But you can be sure that thanking people for the daily tasks that people do in your house, asking how they are doing and what they had good about their day are some small kind actions, but that result in great results in their daily lives.

    Many individuals focus only on kindness towards superiors. Being kind to your boss and being rude to a restaurant waiter, for example, doesn't make you a partially polite person, but a hypocrite. True kindness makes no distinction of class, gender, color or age. Being kind to everyone transforms not only the world you live in. It transforms you, making you wiser and more experienced in relationships with other people to plant a good for humanity.

    • Written by Diego Rennan of Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.
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