Kabbalah Studies: Lech Lechah

    Genesis 12:1-17:27 

    126 verses

    “And the Lord said to Abram, Walk from your country, and from your kindred, and from your father's house, to the land which I will show you.”

    Genesis 12:1

    The Eternal tells Abram to leave his land, to be blessed.

    This story contains several codes, which refer to our spiritual development. For us to be blessed, we need to evolve spiritually. This happens when we leave our comfort zone, we abandon our preexisting cultural and genetic heritages, towards a life without the ego's negative control over our actions.

    Abram leaves his home and faces various challenges, such as famine in Egypt, infertility and even the forced union of Sarah, his wife, with the Egyptian king.

    Kabbalah Studies: Lech Lechah

    We are here in this life to face our challenges, in the certainty of God's company and protection, for the elevation of our souls. We are like pilgrims. We are travelers in time and space. We came to this world to do good and to evolve spiritually. We all have our difficulties and obstacles, which were created for our betterment.

    Thus, we will pass through Egypt, slavery to the material world, and we will walk towards Israel, the sacred and elevated place we want to be.

    Get out of your house, leave your comfort zone. Leave your heavy luggage behind. Drop your addictions and your thoughts that hold you to the illusion of the physical world. Walk towards your freedom and spiritual elevation.

    Shavua Tov!

    All have a great week!

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