Jesus Christ: History and Teachings

who doesn't know Jesus Christ, Is not it? However, even with his name walking among humanity, Jesus or simply Christ, he has a very beautiful story.

The baby Jesus was the son of two Jews, Mary and Joseph, who worked as a carpenter at that time. His birth took place in a stable within the Roman province, located in Judea. As soon as he was born, the famous three wise men paid him a visit and presented him with gold, myrrh and frankincense.

Jesus Christ was generated by the Holy Spirit, who chose Mary to conceive him and sent the angel Gabriel to give him the news. In this way, his story tells that he was sent by God to save mankind. However, after his birth, Jesus Christ had to move with his parents to Galilee, in the city of Nazareth.

Due to this change, he had a childhood and part of his youth in Nazareth. He got rid of King Herod, who in turn had all children under two years old in the Judean region killed. This command came to pass, for Herod learned of the birth of the "Son of God", a subject that circulated around the neighborhood all the time.

However, Jesus Christ grew up and became an adult! He was baptized by John the Baptist on the banks of the Jordan River and continued his mission.

The Life of Jesus Until His Crucifixion

Jesus Christ: History and Teachings

From his baptism, Jesus began his preaching with the aim of taking great teachings in the name of God to the whole kingdom. There were many experiences and love given to people, immediately becoming an icon of kindness!

To help him on his mission, Jesus gathered 12 men to be his apostles. On this journey, Jesus Christ performed several miracles such as healing sick people and even raising the dead. In addition, he satisfied the hunger of many people with loaves and fish.

Jesus' preaching lasted about three and a half years, until he began to be hunted. Through Judas' betrayal who revealed Jesus' whereabouts to Pilate, Jesus was arrested in Jerusalem. He was then tied to a cross, which he had to carry to the place where he was to be crucified.

Christ's Resurrection

Jesus Christ: History and Teachings

After Jesus' death, he was buried in a rock. Maria, his mother, three days after his death went to visit his grave. However, when she got there she came across the open stone and found nothing. Since then, his disciples and his mother experienced several appearances of Jesus, until after 40 days, he ascended to heaven and was never seen again.

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Jesus' teachings

Jesus understood his mission to help people and sought to do so! As a man who carried much love and pity in his heart, it was not difficult to gain followers to fortify the plans that God intended to carry out through him.

He left many teachings to humanity, most of which are considered timeless, that is, they do not change over time. Among them, the best known and most potent are:

  • “The truth will set you free”, where the main idea is to be, above all, true to people and to yourself”;
  • "Courage! Lift up your head, for your deliverance is near”, where he took strength and taught it to his brothers, in order to help them continue on the path of good”;
  • “Love your neighbor as yourself”, where he teaches about self-love and unconditional love for people”;
  • "Whatever you want others to do for you, do for them", in this way, it taught about helping, loving, dedicating yourself to each other".

And of course, many other teachings were also given by Jesus Christ, until he concluded his earthly mission.

Some facts about Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ: History and Teachings

Although his figure is taken with great seriousness, Jesus was a man with a very ordinary life and full of curiosities. Did you know, for example, that Judas did not betray Jesus, but carried out the prophet's request to be handed over to the Romans?

Another very interesting curiosity that reveals the inner beauty of Jesus is the fact that there is no passage where he reproaches homosexuality. Also, we have a picture of who Jesus would be, but in the Bible there is no description of what Jesus looked like.

What we do know, in fact, is that Jesus Christ was a great man and had great honor in fulfilling his mission to save everyone.

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