Jesus Christ

The importance of Jesus Christ for humanity is unmistakable. Some religions, however, “ignored” it, others exalted it, some distorted it. But what is essential is that his teachings remain among us, especially love.

The Romans were persecutors of the Hebrews and Jesus, however the Messiah's greatest executioner was his own people: the Orthodox Jews, also called Pharisees. Taken by envy and fear of the control of the people, as well as their riches, the Pharisees, by the information of Judas, were the ones who imprisoned, condemned and massacred Jesus. They did not accept him as the Messiah, because he broke with the old orthodox customs. In fact, he interpreted the laws in a freer way for the population, more humane.

Perhaps what has bothered them the most is love, yes, happiness. Joy breeds hatred in people. As some do not seek this or have nothing to seek, they hate those who value it. Jesus was murdered by the Romans, who ruled Galilee/Judea, in fact, but who prepared and forced Rome to do so were the Orthodox. To this day, orthodox Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah, they expect someone else to be one. However, not all Jews, there is the Messianic Jewish side, who believe in Christ as the Messiah.

The Romans weren't the worst enemies, but they helped throughout the process. Pilate, governor of Judea, “washed his hands” and did not intervene when he should. In the religious question, they were polytheists and did not conceive that Jesus Christ was devoted to a single God. They said, "How can one God conquer all our gods?" They encouraged the blood of the morbid side, for idolatry called for the sacrifice of animals in the name of the gods, “oh Jupiter, oh Mars, oh Venus”. Yes, they worshiped planets, something physical, very far away.

Jesus Christ
Sasha Freemind/Unsplash

Instead, prevailing hypocrisy, they did not idolize the Earth itself, they turned their fellow men into slaves, something totally meaningless, they were blind and thirsty for power. In fact, the Romans did the “Ctrl C + Ctrl V” of yore, they copied the gods of Egypt and, especially, those of Greece, they only changed the names, putting some of them as planets.

Christ was a paradigm breaker of the time, which were numerous. One of the beautiful messages was respect for women. At that time, they did not sit at the table with their husbands, perhaps other things, they were stoned, for insignificant situations, it was enough for the husband to say. Jesus was passing, first to the apostles, that women were equal to men, this was sowing and changing little by little. On one occasion, a woman would be stoned. Before that, Christ asked, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." And everyone left.

Furthermore, at childbirth, men could not go near their wives postpartum because “the blood was unclean”. The Messiah said, “But how unclean will the blood of a child be? From the most divine Light to a Father? In fact, it is the purest.” There are several teachings, Jesus knew about his mission for a long time. It was around age 30 that he began to fully ascend. When John the Baptist left, the staff was completely with him, he even knew that there would be a “Judas”.

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As they have said, “Destiny is God traveling with us”. This is evident to everyone, the difference is that Jesus Christ knew and was ready to carry out his divine mission. Many say that he was a Being from a higher dimension, he simply showed what we could do like Him in the future, as he said "You are gods". That moment is about to happen and there is no reason to doubt it.

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