Jesus and Spiritism

    Jesus and Spiritism
    Jesus – once again we will talk about this man who passed through the Earth and practiced the law of love, justice and charity at all times. It is also important to know the opinion and thought of non-Spiritists on this topic.

    Get to know a little about the life of this man who, like our older brother, walked his evolutionary path and today governs planet Earth, always taking care of and respecting the time of each one of us. Someone who knows our limitations, but knows that we will reach the state of relative perfection by our own effort, having faith, respect and altruism as companions on the journey, examples that were left to us by the Master.

    The Spiritist Doctrine understands Jesus as Master and Model. The Master we follow and the Model we copy.

    Jesus and Kardec are perfectly conjugated by Divine Wisdom.

    Jesus, at the door. 

    Kardec, the key.

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