It's good to make mistakes every now and then

    You know that saying “it is by making mistakes that you learn”? Well, I didn't believe that for a long time, I thought that making mistakes was a weakness, that life's setbacks were a kind of punishment or consequence of thoughtless acts, stupidity even; Today I don't believe that anymore, and I'm sure that's how life works: “it's by making mistakes that you learn”. With mistakes we are able to learn and I say more, only by making mistakes can we move forward in life, that is, mistakes shape who we are.

    But how is that possible? Well, mistakes make us stop, we stop to reflect, and that's when growth comes. That's if we know how to take advantage of the opportunity, because if we just keep regretting the mistake, then nothing happens - nothing good.

    I've made a lot of mistakes (a lot) in life and today I think that each mistake taught me something. Of course, I didn't always see this at the exact moment I made a mistake, several times I cried, regretted it and wished it had never happenedBut after a while, the time of reflection and understanding that always comes, I finally understood the lesson.

    Some mistakes were only understood years later and the vast majority had a meaning at some point or phase of my life. Maybe that's why today I write about making mistakes and I intend to write a lot more about the subject, because as Marcelo Cezar tells us in his book 'Acorde pra vida': “In the stage of evolution in which we find ourselves, we were made to make mistakes and make things right. ” And more: “In this way, our spirit is freed from the shackles of insecurity and surely climbing higher steps in the meanders of kindness, understanding and lucidity”. Live the successes through the mistakes.

    There is a proverb or a very common saying that I once heard: “We are not perfect, we make mistakes, this is totally true, because every action leads an individual to a mistake. We are subjects in a certain way to an experimental time”.

    It's good to make mistakes every now and then

    Experimental time. Isn't that exactly what life is all about, an experimental time for our growth and evolution? Like a big laboratory, we are driven to do things, we make mistakes, we learn from these mistakes, we go back to doing things and we get it right or we learn. This process may take a while until we get it right, but we sure as hell learn. And with that we evolve, experiencing mistakes and successes.

    Our growth depends on the quality of our mistakes then. What do you mean, error quality? If making mistakes leads to learning, I conclude that if we make a good mistake, we get it right there too, and if we make a bad mistake, you know the rest.

    A good mistake would be one that does not cause us regret, nor does it paralyze us to the point of not allowing ourselves to evolve, it brings evolution right after we commit it or leads us to reflect on it, which will teach us something at some stage of life. . Evil is the opposite of that, it doesn't allow us to learn, to bear fruit in some way, it prevents us from evolving.

    For example, when you do something wrong to someone and you don't regret it, it's a bad mistake, it's not good and it didn't bring you evolution. Now, when you hurt someone, but you manage to repent and maybe even, as far as possible, minimize the damage you caused, you made a mistake and evolved, so it becomes a good mistake.

    To err is human, recognizing your mistake, learning from it and using your learning to get it right is evolution (and divine too).

    It would be great if we could always get it right and skip the often painful error phase, but if it does occur, why not make it a path to something bigger? A bad experience should never stop us from moving towards what we want. So, make mistakes, if it's inevitable, but run after yourself with that mistake and show yourself that you're capable of going beyond it, and right with your own setbacks.

    I mistake, I was wrong, and I will certainly be wrong more, but I know that it is through the conjugation of this verb that I can understand how to conjugate many more verbs… get right, understand, evolve, experience, forgive, love and, above all, live.

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