Facing the pain of the soul

    There are situations that make us worried, but have you ever wondered where the feeling of discomfort caused by worry comes from? Of course, no one put these energies inside you, they were simply already there and triggered by external circumstances. Just to exemplify: in the face of anger it is common to blame others for the difficulties we find in managing our emotions, but the other will never be blamed, because the emotional root of this anger has always been there, the other just served as an emotional trigger.

    The unpleasant effect of a worry, for example, deserves to be investigated with deep inquiries, that is, we have to pursue the roots of this effect with questions we never asked. It will be these questions that will guide us to the concentrated core of energies, which is nothing more than the records of traumatic events that insist on bothering us. In this way, we must go from the effect to the cause, within a journey in our inner world.

    Just to give an example: let's say you are worried about the future, be it short or long term, the fact is that this feeling haunts you with all its power, without letting up and this is deeply uncomfortable, because it makes you anxious and will demand actions to combat it. Try, at that moment, to separate yourself from what you feel, as if it were not you, as if it did not belong to you, then analyze this material. Realize that to be worried about something that hasn't happened yet means you don't trust the future. From this, you will already realize that you are not a confident person, with that, you will realize that there is a ready pattern inside you, a pessimism formulated by derogatory beliefs, that is, inside you there is the conviction that you are worthy of suffering. and he is doomed to the worst, hence the fear, hence the worry.

    Facing the pain of the soul

    Okay, moving forward in this investigation, it's time for you to ask yourself how you created this pattern and at that moment you will realize that this pattern is a living entity, screaming inside you, as if you were one of the residents of this condominium that represents your mind. . Now, if you are facing another character, why not have a dialogue? Realize that there is the possibility of making him express himself, explain himself and, with that, promote a catharsis of all the importance that exists in the event that imprisons him. This is a technique of confrontation with the unconscious itself, known as the transcendent function, created by Jung and later called Active Imagination.

    We don't realize that everything that manifests in our mind is concentrated with affective charges, has importance, and this clash is liberating.

    Nobody can change anything around them if they don't adjust with themselves. The true path to our liberation is the interior path, because the Kingdom of God is within us as the Nazarene Master taught us. There are no ways to achieve in the illusory world of mind effects, the solution lies in the 'good fight', in the fight that we cannot help but fight against all the emotional contents that enslave us. All insecurity, all anguish, all anger, in short, all negative energies, are nothing more than past experiences that remain alive with all their freshness here and now, thanks to these emotional fuels.

    It's time to vent, break the rules, get rid of the masks, tear down the glass shelves of norms that prevent us from being ourselves.

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