It is never late to restart

It is never late to restart

In fact, our problems are tiny - nothing that makes them less difficult or painful - but having the notion that the world is gigantic and that, consequently, the possibilities are infinite, is something that helps us to have a better idea of ​​the stuff. The notion that it is possible to find an alternative. It is possible to move on. It is possible to show everyone who doubted you your ability. And, above all, it is possible to show yourself how much you can and how strong you are.

Starting over

Regardless of religion, assume you only live once. You will not understand the true importance of this sentence with my words alone. So I want you to think about a single moment in your life, that moment when you felt your heart filled with gratitude, that moment when you felt like the happiest man or woman in the world. That moment should reflect every second of your life. Not always everything will work out, not always everything will go as planned, but that doesn't mean that tomorrow won't be better. On the contrary, all evil comes for good, because it is nothing more than training to make you stronger and better prepared for all the blessings you are destined to receive.

“Loving life is a chance to make the last breath just one more.”

*It's done = yes, it's time for a change. It's gone = no, leave it as it is.


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