Is your life prosperous?

    What kind of thoughts have you been feeding? Scarcity or abundance? Everything that we nourish, plant and sow in us, in our hearts, in our relationships, in our behaviors and habits is merely the fruit of what we are going to reap.

    Are you happy and satisfied with what you have harvested? Obviously not, because we are incomplete beings, we always want and desire more. We have some keys to releasing our misfortunes and lack of resources and one of them is the power to activate the release and release of attachments to our desires.

    The human being experiences himself, his thoughts as something separate from the rest of the universe — in a kind of optical illusion of your consciousness. This illusion is a kind of prison that restricts us to our personal desires, concepts and affection for those closest to us. Our main task is to free ourselves from this prison, expanding our circle of compassion so that it encompasses all living beings and all nature in its beauty.

    Desires are imprisoning, for we desire many things, sometimes real, sometimes purely illusions of our minds. We want to get rich and we don't even bet, I don't say betting on the lotto or anything like that, but betting on yourself, betting on your potential. Nothing! Often, we just want to be like this or like this and deny our own version.

    Is your life prosperous?

    We want success, but we don't deserve it... we want love, but we are afraid to give ourselves, we want to receive love, but we don't even learn to give it. Every day we are attacked by the media for consumption, that is, the desire to have what they say is good, the best, the latest fashion, pure marketing and, sometimes, we even get into some robbery, all awakened by desire.

    And what does all this have to do with prosperity…? 

    Well, to awaken the key to prosperity, we have to follow some basic rules to make it happen.

    Come on:

    1- Think abundantly, not sparingly, that is, don't think that the egg, the bread, the steak, the money, the love, the ticket, etc. soon everything for you… Meanness does not match abundance;

    2- Don't complain or complain about what you have or what the other has;

    3- Make room for the new to arrive, let go, release everything that is full… an extra drop of water in a glass that is already full will overflow;

    4- Money is a good thing, don't curse it, don't curse it, make good use of it... remember that it is also energy and that if you are grateful in abundance, you become generous;

    5- Bet, invest, even with fear. Courage drives us, fear cows us and reduces our potential to dust, when it should go to Luz.

    6- Surrender to the magic of Giving and Receiving, many times we are only in the accommodation of wanting to receive and we are not even donating. It's impossible to receive without giving, because if I don't know how to give, it's also because I didn't know how to receive.


    These and other practices can lead you to a prosperous life if you trust in the power of Creation of your own reality.

    On CRP.

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