Is what I live and do important or useful to me?

    If something doesn't work in your life, change it, change it. Notice who is next to you and the places you go. Pay attention to you! Watch how your life develops and happens. You can do this by paying attention to two words: useful or important.

    The word “useful” is very close to the words “futile” and “useless”. We have a lot of things in our house that are housewares that are never used, or maybe we use them once or twice a year, but they are a utility.

    The important thing, you need or want to have every day.

    In everything you do, ask yourself from now on, "Is this important to me or is it useful?"

    For you to understand better:

    Eating every day is important; now, what you eat is useful?

    From now on, don't pay attention to the useful. Forget him! Live in your life only what is important to you. And always realize: what is important for you, may not be for the other. So never compare yourself to anyone.

    Is what I live and do important or useful to me?
    Japheth Mast / Pexels

    See another example, of a relationship. Sometimes, a person has a good car, a good house, makes good trips, everything works naturally well (materially speaking). But the union, love and commitment no longer exist, and the couple is only together because that situation is useful to both, who somehow think it works. Whether for not having the work of separation, or for the children, family, among other factors. There is a use in life, but they are no longer allowed to live what is important in each one's life, individually. Feeling is very important. If you are experiencing a situation and you do not feel what you are experiencing, it is because it is useful, not important.

    Did you understand the difference?

    Make it a habit to ask yourself every day, for whatever you're going to do, whether it's useful or important. You will automatically receive answers, feeling what is important or not.

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    Now, if you are in doubt about what you asked, wait, don't take a step right away, and think it over. The human is always faced with doubt. But, if the doubt arises, it is already a clear indication that it is not important.

    Pay attention to your life and realize what is, in fact, important and useful.


    Alcides Melhado Filho

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