Commitment to yourself. What is it in fact?

Commitment is a structural basis of knowledge to be assimilated and practiced, because for anything we choose to do in our life, it is necessary to have it.

Commitment comes from the Latin “commitments” and represents the act of making a reciprocal promise. Based on this meaning, we can then say that commitment to oneself is to promise something to oneself.

That's why I ask you now:

What are you committing to yourself? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN COMMITTED TO TO RETURN WHAT YOU WANT FOR YOURSELF? Have you been able to manage commitment? Have you been able to get involved with activities and attitudes that return to yourself?

Commitment to yourself. What is it in fact?
Margot pandone/Unsplash

Commitment is different from fulfilling. Commitment is about involvement. To fulfill is to do. Both are good, but may not be related to commitment. Fulfilling can be another green check on your list of aspirations and obligations. While the relationship of return, of “giving back” to oneself the satisfaction and energy employed is intrinsic to commitment.

Committing to yourself is being able to have enough knowledge about your own universe to be able to make appropriately legitimate choices and accomplishments. So yes, when you combine compliance and commitment… Wow! Resources are integrated for great achievements and returns.

In part, the lack of lucidity about the nature of commitment comes from moral, cultural and religious education that distorts the concept of COMMITMENT and DOING FOR YOURSELF AND FOR YOURSELF, associating this act with something bad.

Usually, the theme of doing by oneself comes equipped with a heavy CULTURAL COLLECTIVE BELIEF in which doing by oneself and for oneself is only “permitted” if it is accomplished with effort, with value or social recognition only if, doing it by oneself, is correlated with effort. We notice this in common phrases like: "I'm trying hard...", "I'm in the fight", "I'm a warrior, so I deserve to get there!".

There is also the other distorted collective-cultural aspect of the concept of “doing for oneself and for oneself”, which starts from judgments and criticisms about the individual: “You are very selfish”, “You only think about your navel”, “You you have to donate to the other, put yourself in the other's shoes, help and look out for the other” and then it generates guilt.

Commitment to yourself. What is it in fact?
Ethan Robertson/Unsplash

I am not saying here that these phrases are completely wrong, however, when it comes to their application in the context of applying the energy of commitment to oneself, they can have a negative impact, diverting, first, the subject from himself and then from his connection with their sense of reality and internal compasses and, consequently, end up blocking the potential energy to turn their involvement in order to give individuality a return to itself.

And, as I said, because we don't have enough emotional and behavioral instructions during personality formation and so many other interferences that imprison conscience in ignorance and prevent healthy personal management, self-commitment in adulthood fails.

So I come to draw attention to know about you.

It is necessary to know how to work in the intelligence of nature about individuality. You have to learn to deal with it yourself. Remembering that man and nature are the same unit.

Man is entirely nature in human expression. Thus, being able to bring to consciousness its entirety is essential for its application in everyday life, using the commitment to oneself as a manifestation of intelligence in its power of accomplishment.

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It takes lucidity about what commitment is to then broaden the perception of what you are unconsciously committing to and readjust the force to where your consciousness really wants, and then be able to return to yourself what you really WANT.

There is always, before any action, the level of involvement you have with yourself, with your whole, the basis on which everything that exists and will exist happens: commitment.

Your LIFE ACHIEVEMENTS, good or bad relationships, illnesses, choice and profession. The engagement with what you emanate is directly related to the return you will get — commitment. It is a LAW OF THE UNIVERSE.


There is always a path of evolution: lucidity!

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