Is time really money?

    Is time really money?

    Ever since I started to rationalize and process certain information (aka “big people”), I hear the statement:

    “Time is Money”! 

    Do you agree with this statement?

    For a long time I agreed and even repeated that sentence.

    Now, ask yourself for a moment…

    Can you buy time?

    In the world we live in today, I still don't know this alternative.

    I've even seen a movie that talks about this dynamic of buying time.

    Interested? Want to watch? 

    The name of the movie is "The Price of Tomorrow".

    Now, while that possibility does not exist, have you ever thought about how you “spend” your time?

    Another question, is the time longer or shorter depending on your economic condition?

    Answer: NOOO… It's the same!

    All human beings on the face of the Earth have the same 24 hours.

    Now, why then is time money?

    Time has an immeasurable value, that's quite the truth!

    After all, what's the price of that second you met the love of your life?

    How much would you pay to see your parents' first smile for you? Or even your children?

    Even so, time is the element we waste the most.

    We waste taking care of what the other has and we don't, we waste it with sorrows, fights and things we don't want or don't like to do.

    In my opinion, time IS LIFE!

    This may seem like a silly conversation that will lead nowhere, but what if this was your last day of life?

    Would you spend your time doing what you normally do?

    Life doesn't come back… We need to live every second, because that's all we have.

    Your life is NOW!

    How much time are you going to “spend” not looking at what really matters to you? 

    You may also like another article by the author. Access: How to solve all my pending issues?

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