Is it intuition or paranoia?

Have you ever had a bad feeling about somewhere before you got there? This feeling is common especially for those who suffer from anxiety. Even without evidence that something horrible is going to happen, a person imagines thousands of negative scenarios about something. Is it intuition or paranoia?

For you to have a healthier life and be able to differentiate the signs of the Universe in relation to the situations that anxiety can create, we have prepared content that will help you. In the next few paragraphs, understand the difference between intuition and paranoia, to learn how to deal with them.

What is intuition and how does it work?

According to psychology, intuition is a set of mental processes that a person goes through, consciously or unconsciously, to develop a conclusion about a certain issue.

By this definition, an individual feels that he should or should not do something, for example, because numerous mental processes have already taken place that have led him to that conclusion. This, however, is not the only way to understand intuition.

According to spirituality, intuition is like a voice within us that guides us in countless situations. This voice can be understood as a sign from the Universe or as evidence of one's connection to one's higher self.

That is, the intuition that a person has about something is a warning that he receives from divine or supernatural forces that try to help him. By listening to this voice that suddenly appears, this individual can avoid getting into trouble.

Regardless of which definition you prefer, there is a similarity between the two. In both cases, intuition is a feeling about something to come that can prevent us from taking action or motivate us to act. As a consequence of this, there is sometimes a confusion between intuition and paranoia. Next, learn to tell them apart.

Is it intuition or paranoia?
Doucefleur / Getty Images / Canva

Is it intuition or paranoia?

Earlier, we learned that intuition is like a warning about something that hasn't happened yet, which can direct our behaviors. While it's okay to have this kind of feeling, in some cases it can become insidious.

When intuition is heightened by anxiety disorder, this hunch turns into paranoia. This is because an individual begins to imagine everything that can go wrong in some situation, even if he is not feeling that something negative is going to happen.

In addition, paranoia can worsen over time, compromising the quality of life of those who are feeding it. To better visualize the difference between intuition and paranoia, imagine the following example:

A person needs to leave the house to go to the dentist. She could walk to the office, but she has a feeling she's better off driving. Then, halfway through, it starts to rain. Fortunately, this person is protected inside the car and has used his intuition very well.

If paranoia was at work, it would be a little different, because when the person felt that he should drive to the office, he started to think that he might be mugged on the way, even if the place was safe and quiet.

Afterwards, this person imagined that he would discover some serious disease in the mouth, which would have no cure, despite not having any type of discomfort. From then on, he became even more afraid of not being able to enjoy life as he would like. Finally, he decides to cancel the appointment, because of anxiety that has turned intuition into paranoia.

Even being an exaggerated example, we could see the difference between the effects of intuition and paranoia. While intuition is a more subtle hunch about something, which doesn't always come to fruition, paranoia is intense and terrifying and remains even if nothing bad actually happens.

Is it intuition or paranoia?
C Technical / Pexels / Canva

How to deal with this doubt?

In addition to understanding what differentiates intuition from paranoia, it's critical that you develop ways to deal with each. After all, it can be hard to tell when your thoughts are being guided by intuition and when they are being paranoid.

So when you have a feeling about an important decision or a big step you're about to take, stay calm. First, you must take a deep breath, to prevent the anxiety involved in this moment from taking your mind to thousands of negative scenarios.

Second, write down on paper the pros and cons of what you are about to do. In the process, notice what makes you think of each of the cons and each of the pros. Are they based on evidence in the real world? Or do they only exist because of something that was created in your mind?

As this reflection can be exhausting, it is important that you take some more time to breathe. Walk around your house, do some simple exercise, or enjoy a food you like. In this way, you will clear your thoughts and prevent paranoia from making decisions for you.

When the time comes to decide what should be done, consider the voice of your heart and the rational arguments you have previously established. Remember to stick to reality without giving in to your imagination. By doing this, you are likely to listen to your intuition more, which is good for you.

If even with these tips you find it difficult to separate intuition from paranoia, it is best that you seek professional psychological help. As paranoia is more common in people who suffer from anxiety, only a skilled person can help you properly deal with it.

In therapy, even if you don't have a mental disorder, it will be easier to make difficult decisions, resolve issues that are worrying you and get a better quality of life. So always consider this possibility, which is available even online and for free.

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Based on the content presented, we understand that intuition is a hunch that can save us from danger, while paranoia is responsible for creating terrifying situations that may never happen. As the second is associated with anxiety, it is essential to seek psychological help to treat it efficiently. Take care of your mind!

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