What can we learn from Gandhi?

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean, if a few drops are dirty, that doesn't make the ocean dirty.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi was one of the greatest peace leaders in history, being portrayed in books to the present day. Gandhi led multitudes to know and practice the meaning of non-violence in his struggle for Indian independence in 1947.

Unlike the reality of the majority of the population of India at the time, Gandhi was born into a financially prosperous family, with social positions, and had a promising start in life, in which he could enjoy a prestigious education in England, traveling to several countries for months. . Gandhi studied law at University College, London.

However, going against almost all the wishes of his family, Gandhi ended up donating his goods and during his life he freed himself from material limitations, having followed a life of simplicity from then on.

What can we learn about their way of life?

1. Accumulate little

Gandhi believed that the less accumulations people had, the lighter their lives would be. His own example was of a man who lived with only a few utensils to eat and very few clothes, Gandhi still had the habit of donating gifts he received to other people.

2. Eat with simplicity

Gandhi fed from a small bowl, from which he ate sparingly, with attention to the food and without haste. Before – and during – his meals, he would recite prayers in gratitude for being able to feed once more.

3. Dress simply

Gandhi wore simple clothes that allowed him to move lightly.

According to one story, when Gandhi met the King of Great Britain in London, he wore only a cloth that wrapped his thin body. A journalist asked the pacifist: “Mr. Gandhi, did you feel scantily clad when you met the king?” Gandhi replied, "The king was wearing clothes for both of us."

His message was to simplify life through everyday clothes.

4. Keep calm

What can we learn from Gandhi?Gandhi never showed any changes in his mood, always remaining calm. He prayed, meditated, and encouraged those around him to do the same. This is due to the fact of his non-violent manifestations, which made him gain numerous followers.

5. Be the agent of change, changing yourself

If you change yourself, you will change the world, starting with the people around you. It is important to want to change the way you feel and see others.

6. Practice forgiveness

Gandhi practiced forgiveness in a simple and direct way, emphasizing that if we cannot forgive people who have harmed us, then our lives will always be filled with issues that could be resolved only with forgiveness.

7. Persist, grow and evolve always

Gandhi advocated that the individual's words and thoughts should always be aligned with the actions taken in everyday life. Acting with seriousness and sincerity, being true to yourself is the first step towards a full life.

On January 30, 1948, Gandhi was assassinated in New Delhi by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu radical who believed that Gandhi was responsible for weakening the government at the time due to his actions.

Gandhi's legacy is described in books, films and documentaries. Monuments in his honor can be found in some countries, such as London and España. Despite an exemplary and controversial life, Gandhi is and will always be one of the most impactful personalities of all time.

Text written by Bruno da Silva from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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