Is it hard to sleep? Discover 8 foods that will boost your sleep

If you are one of those who have trouble falling asleep, know that small changes in your eating routine can change your life. A human being who doesn't sleep well doesn't function well. The body feels tired, the mind does not work properly and the feeling of exhaustion is more frequent every day. Can you imagine if simply including some foods in your diet made you sleep better? This is possible and it is no magic. Discover the 8 powerful foods that will make you sleep like a baby!


An excellent source of tryptophan, oatmeal is one of the best allies for a peaceful sleep. Tryptophan is an ideal amino acid for the production of serotonin, better known as the sleep hormone. Increasing your tryptophan intake will consequently cause your body to increase serotonin production, making you sleep more and sleep much better..


Is it hard to sleep? Discover 8 foods that will boost your sleep

Another great ally in the production of serotonin is banana. This food so simple to be found and included in diets offers, in addition to the relaxation hormone, vitamin B complex, B6 and magnesium.


Rich in antioxidants, almonds are very important foods to take care of your heart health. It is also an excellent reducer of cholesterol levels, as it is a source of good fats, such as omega 3. Omega 3 has a fundamental role for those who suffer from insomnia as it helps to regulate the activity of neurotransmitters, promoting a peaceful sleep.

Red wine

Amazingly, having a glass of red wine can do you a lot of good. Red wine has melatonin, a hormone that induces relaxation. The amount needed for a peaceful sleep is found in just one glass of the drink.

green vegetables

Is it hard to sleep? Discover 8 foods that will boost your sleepDark green vegetables are excellent sources of magnesium, calcium and vitamin B. These nutrients are essential to help calm the body.

sesame seed

This seed is a source of vitamin B6, which is responsible for transforming tryptophan into serotonin. In addition to the benefit against insomnia, sesame seed is also rich in calcium, which helps in the health of your bones.


Consuming mint promotes a relaxation of the nerves and, if consumed after meals, the herb still helps in the digestion of food.


Like almonds, flaxseed is rich in omega 3 and helps in the regulation of neurotransmitters. In addition to helping with weight loss, flaxseed is an excellent ally against depression and irritability. Another benefit of the seed is its anti-inflammatory ability.

  • Text written by Marcela Cappato of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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