Invest in the divine love that is within you

Something transformative and refreshing happens when we say โ€œYES, I ACCEPT AND TRUST THE FLOW OF ENERGY THAT IS GRANTED TO ME!โ€

We went through difficult times, without a doubt, but I began to have a new vision (a re-meaning) about everything that has been happening on our blessed planet Earth. Everyone, in some way and in different ways, is being called to this great evolution, which apparently seems to be out of place. But it isn't!

Obviously, with much Gratitude, I accepted and trusted this call. I supported myself in everything that was necessary for my permanence in this moment and I realized that this acceptance and this trust began to flow, putting everything that would be necessary in front of me. It wasn't magical. It was the synchronicity that gradually began. When we put ourselves in that position of accepting and trusting, small โ€œmiraclesโ€ happen. And when they happen, we realize the magnitude of everything, because the first reaction we have is to SMILE! We smile in such a blessed way. So blessed!

We must pay attention to this flow, passing our heart through the sieve of reason. We are endowed with Divine Intelligence. This Divine Intelligence is not with us by mere chance. It is to be used. It is to direct us and connect us with Source.

Invest in the divine love that is within you
Joshua Abner / Pexels

This process is refreshing, despite the difficulty we have in dealing with what comes along with it. We get anxious, fear tends to persecute us, insecurity insists on telling us that everything is crazy, our physique goes through transformations, which, if we are not careful, will lead us to a disease itself. I go through it. We all passed. But its alright! Yes, it's okay! It is part, and these apparent difficulties will never be stronger and greater than the Divine Love that is within us!

We can see the answers in everything that surrounds us: a song, a word, a book, a statement, the breath of the wind of the greater spirit that crosses our heart, a message we receive and so many other things. It is a sign that we are connected to the Universal Divine Source. It's encouraging and we move further and further forward. We don't think about stopping! We don't think about giving up! We don't think about going back. We decided with the greatest conviction to go further and further!

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Invest in the Divine Love that is within you! Work with him at all times! Call him when you feel like it. Divine Love is available anytime you want and need it!

In this way, everything flows, simply because we are in connection with the Whole.

But let us not forget: let us have patience and love with us. Not just in these moments but FOR A LIFETIME!

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