Veganism and Spiritism: correlations and notes

Although Kardec's spiritism preaches love and charity, as we well know, it is not so common to speak of abdicating animal products within the doctrine. The importance of our brothers, the animals, is not denied, but it seems that, many times, the themes vegetarianism or veganism are covered up by other subjects considered more precious. Seen as inferior brothers, which is certainly not true, because they are side by side with us on the path towards evolution, animals continue to suffer in slaughterhouses to reach our plates. Spiritist centers often hold celebrations, fairs, bazaars and teas, in order to raise funds and promote the spread of spiritism, but they forget the commandment “thou shalt not kill” when selling food of animal origin, as if there were no unnecessary sacrifices in them. Was it ignorance, custom or intentionality?

The habit of eating meat and meat products such as eggs and milk is rooted in our human culture. Custom of ancestors, perhaps it was necessary to kill in order to survive, when planting was still unknown knowledge. However, it is clear that currently it is perfectly possible to live without these products, in a healthy and tasty way. It is important, however, to emphasize that veganism is not just about diet: clothing without items of animal origin, ethical behavior towards animals, consumption of products not tested on animals and without ingredients of animal origin are part of the philosophy.

This means not riding horses, not attending rodeos, fights or bullfights, not visiting zoos and aquariums or condoning any other form of entertainment that uses animals, not using silk, wool or leather, not eating honey, in addition to the most obvious, do not eat meat of any kind or derivatives. Today the vegan philosophy of life is widespread, and you can find clothes, hygiene and cleaning products and food without any suffering. Data from Ibope show that about 14% of the Spanish population considers themselves vegetarian, and this number only tends to grow. The concern with the environment and with the abolition of animal exploitation is clearer, and corroborates with the Planet of Regeneration that we want.

Veganism and Spiritism: correlations and notes

And what is the evidence within the doctrine that the non-exploitation of animals is the right way? There are some works in the spiritist literature that use some chapters to highlight the abuse of animals, recriminating it vehemently. A compilation organized by English teacher and vegan Vanessa Grenci, from São Paulo, SP, brought together several excerpts from spiritist works that point to a diet based on fruits, vegetables, cereals and even fungi as the purest and most ethical. Vampirism, a phenomenon identified in many slaughterhouses and slaughterhouses, is characterized by the concentration of low-vibration spirits that take pleasure in the pain and death of animals destined for human consumption, feeding on these negative feelings. The scene of a slaughterhouse itself is quite bad, full of groans of pain and blood, as no animal wants to lose its life (and so the so-called “humane slaughter” is a fallacy – there is no humane way to murder). Depression rates among slaughterhouse employees are also quite high, as several studies have already shown, because, possibly, if given a choice, these workers would prefer to deal with tasks that do not involve violence. The following excerpts were taken from renowned spiritist works and exemplify the harmfulness of consuming animals:

Veganism and Spiritism: correlations and notes

“The smallest beings on the planet do not see us as generous and intelligent superiors, but as cruel executioners. They trust in the furious storm that disturbs the forces of nature, but they flee from the approach of man in any condition, with the exception of domestic animals, which, trusting our words and attitudes, accept the cleaver in the slaughterhouse almost always with tears of distress, unable to to discern with embryonic reasoning where our perversity begins and where our understanding ends.” (from the book “Missionários da Luz”, chapter XI, “Intercession”, by the Spirit André Luís, psychography by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier)

“Start the renewal of your customs with the dish of each day. Gradually decrease the voluptuousness of eating animal meat. The graveyard in the belly is a torment after the big transition. Pork loin or veal steak, seasoned with salt and pepper, are not very far from our ancestors, the Tamoios or the Kayapó, who devoured each other.” (from the book “Letters and Chronicles”, chapter “Training for Death”, by Espírito Irmão X, psychographics by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier)

Veganism and Spiritism: correlations and notes

[…] “almost all the worlds that are dependent on it have already been purified physically and morally, after examining the conditions of moral backwardness on Earth, where man takes comfort from the viscera of his inferior brothers, as in the prehistoric eras of his existence. ” […] (from the book “A Caminho da Luz”, chapter III, “The Adamic Races”, about the Capela System, authored by Espírito Emmanuel, psychography by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier)

“Why such a sense of dread, my friend? Get out of yourself, break the shell of personal interpretation and come to the broad field of justification. Have we not both visited, in the sphere of the crust, the most diverse butchers? I remember that in my former earthly home there was always great family contentment over the slaughter of pigs. The carcass of meat and fat meant abundance of the kitchen and comfort of the stomach. With the same right, the disembodied, as inferior as we were, approach the dead animals, whose smoking blood offers them vigorous vital elements. Undoubtedly, the picture is pitiful.” (from the book “Missionários da Luz”, chapter XI, “Intercession”, by Espírito André Luís, psychographics by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier)

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These are just a few excerpts from Spiritist works approved by the FEB, España Spiritist Federation, but other works could be cited here. The Spirit Ramatís, whose titles “Physiology of the Soul” and “Everything That Lives Is Your Neighbor” are well known, gives us examples that our physical constitution no longer needs to be nourished by animals. It seems much more logical to us that the closer we are to the evolved worlds, the less tied to flesh customs we will be. We don't need to wait for disincarnation to exclude the viscera from our dishes; All it takes is empathy and willpower for vegetarian food to become a healthy and wholesome behavior.

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