Introversion: what it is and how to deal with it

    Introversion is often confused with shyness, but do they represent the same thing?

    Although many people think that someone who is shy is also an introvert, these two characteristics are actually distinct. Introversion is present in human beings who, most of the time, do not usually express themselves without thinking very well about what they are going to say (or do) first. That is, he does not usually act in a thoughtless and exaggerated way.

    In other words, he is a quieter individual, which does not mean, however, that he is shy. He's just a more observant and analytical person, so he keeps his thoughts and opinions to himself, or he takes longer to come to a conclusion and therefore doesn't usually speak right away.

    Both introversion and shyness can be present in the same person, but it depends on each one, so it's not a rule. After all, an introvert can be downright sociable and party-goers, for example. The difference is that he goes out to have fun and not to meet new people, or have long conversations about subjects he doesn't feel necessary to talk about.  

    Introverts like and value moments alone, prefer reflective and deep conversations, about subjects that they dominate and find valid to be discussed; they are detail-oriented, absolutely observers and analysts.

    Introversion: what it is and how to deal with it

    Introversion also makes people not very fond of over-excited crowds, that is, those where you can barely move or hear those around you. They are communicative people and express themselves very well, but they don't like superficial conversations. They also don't appreciate being the center of attention, preferring to leave that to extroverts.

    The way introverts respond to social stimuli is different. But, there is no problem with that. Each human being has its particularities, characteristics, ways and forms. Introversion is just another particularity in someone's way of being. Anyway, respecting introversion is everyone's duty, just as it is necessary to respect the tastes, customs and ways of each one.

    • Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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