To the Art of Serving

The art of life is in learning and teaching. All beings are in a great school called life, which brings daily tasks for each one to overcome. Everything is for the best to be fulfilled and to happen… the learning. The mission of life is only carried out in the face of small victories that become great in the course of the existential trajectory. It is a great good to be able to be in life learning and building it. Each being is in life to build, create and recreate. It's all part of the grand design of creation. 

We are essential and special beings! 

This phrase is to be internalized and made aware, as each being is vital for itself, for life and for other beings. So there are three great services… one for yourself, one for life and one for other beings.

Everything happens for a special reason and for a beautiful reason in life. Every little detail of life has its purposes. Thus, it is special to experience each moment. It is important to value each situation, as this is how life brings the greatest growth. Small and large situations call attention to progress. Everything is part of a perfect plan designed for the success of each being's life.

To the Art of Serving

Serving yourself is learning every day in living with your essence. It subtly shows. So, it is necessary to learn subtle listening to be able to contemplate life in all its purposes. 

There is only one truth… evolution continues in the life of each being. Slower or faster. It exists to nourish the essence of life. This is vital. Being of service is the work that needs to be done. It is the tasks of life through situations and people that are placed in our path with a grand goal in the direction of growth.

The integral development of the being makes you a responsible person.

It's learning all the time. You don't know everything. So learning and teaching are the faces shown by life for the great awakening.

To the Art of Serving

To develop is to improve knowledge and grow nourishing the essentials. Each moment is fundamental for the next ones that will come with more teachings. Life brings the greatest lessons. Serving is humanity, it is precious, it is trust and the desire to be better. Each service expands your development, transforming the person you are today into a much greater light. To illuminate one's own life, one must serve. To be at the service of life, of oneself and available to help other beings.

Each being complements the other, amplifying the light of the wisdom of life for all! 

Life is completeness! Life is union! Life is the great purpose, that is, all purposes together! 

Love & Light!


Fraternal hug!

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