Powerful spiritual cleansing baths

Powerful spiritual cleansing baths

Have you ever noticed that the energy around you was heavy? When this happens, it is common to feel stress, tiredness, irritation, anguish, sadness and discouragement. Often these feelings seem inexplicable, but they are an accumulation of negativity.

Fortunately, there is a way to reverse this melancholy scenario. With spiritual cleansing baths, you will ward off the bad vibes that are around you, attracting more positive energies. In this way, your well-being will increase considerably. Learn more about it!

What are spiritual cleansing baths?

Most people shower daily, at least once. We do this to cleanse impurities from air pollution, sweat, oil from the skin and to relax. Such care is aimed at our physical bodies, but our spiritual bodies also need attention.

In this sense, spiritual cleansing baths are a way to remove the accumulation of negative vibrations that occurs throughout the day, and that can compromise a person's quality of life, after all we all emit and receive energies, not all of them are beneficial. .

A spiritual cleansing bath is therefore indicated to promote a connection between you and your body, as well as with the vibrations you want to emit and receive. Harnessing the energies of each ingredient used in the bath, you can increase your willpower, gain more energy, feel good about yourself and relax.

How to do a spiritual cleansing bath?

Once you learn the benefits of spiritual cleansing baths, you just need to figure out how to do them. First, you need to identify the type of energy you want to push away and attract, in order to find the bath that serves that specific purpose.

Among the varieties of baths, you will notice that each one is prepared with different ingredients. It is these changes that define the vibrations you will remove or add to your spiritual body, so it is critical that you follow them correctly.

Once you find the ideal bath for you, just prepare the ingredients you will use and follow the recipe indicated. In most cases, you should take your bath normally, and only then pour the spiritual cleansing bath over your body, from neck to feet. See what options can help you!

What are spiritual cleansing baths?

Next, you will learn how to perform five spiritual cleansing baths, with different goals. Pay attention to the vibrations they push away and attract, so that the effects you are looking for are met!

1) Coarse salt, honey and rosemary

A thick salt bath should always be carried out with other ingredients. That's because coarse salt removes all the energies we accumulate, both good and bad. Therefore, we are vulnerable to receiving any other vibrations. With rosemary and honey, which stimulate joy and well-being, you will open your body to positive energies.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 crystal of your choice
  • 3 handfuls of coarse salt
  • ½ tablespoon of honey
  • 3 handfuls of dried rosemary
  • 1 candle
  • 1 saucer


On a Crescent or Full Moon night, place 1 liter of water outside your house, receiving the energies of the moonlight. The next day, add the crystal, coarse salt, honey and rosemary to the water. Once this is done, place the mixture in the sun for about two hours.

The next step is to light the candle on a saucer and visualize the flame while thinking “may the electromagnetic field of this crystal and all the elements present here energize my life and free me from danger”.

Then take your shower as normal and then pour the liquid over you, from neck to toe. Finally, throw away the candle remains and bury the remaining elements in the earth, with the exception of the saucer, which can be used again.

2) Roses and cinnamon powder

Rose petals are known to encourage love, affection and connection with the divine. Together with cinnamon, which attracts prosperity, they are able to intensify the good feelings that exist within you, that is, you will feel easier to see the good side of life and to relate to those you love.


  • 3 liters of boiled water
  • Petals of 5 red roses
  • Petals of 5 white roses
  • 3 teaspoons cinnamon powder


Mix the petals and cinnamon in the boiled water. When the liquid is warm, you can take a shower, like every day. Finish it off by pouring the preparation over your body, just from the neck down. Remember to collect the petals to bury them all in the earth.

3) Roses, rosemary, cloves and brown sugar

If you are dealing with a lot of envy and the evil eye in your life, cloves are the ideal choice to alleviate the problem, but it is essential that you surround yourself with good vibes, and roses, rosemary and brown sugar. will help you with that, protecting you.


  • 1 liter of boiled water
  • 2 red roses
  • 3 sprigs of rosemary
  • 7 cloves
  • 3 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • 1 white candle


First, mix the roses in the boiled water for a few minutes. Then add the rosemary, cloves and sugar to the preparation. Finally, light the candle and say a prayer to your guardian angel. After this process, take a shower normally. Finally, pour the liquid from neck to feet and bury all that is left of the ritual in the earth.

4) Roses, honey and perfume

White roses are essential for attracting peace and tranquility into your life. With the honey and perfume of your choice, they will help you close your body to any negativity that tries to hit you. Soon, you will receive the positivity that is all around you.


  • 2 liters of boiled water
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Petals of 2 white roses
  • Drops of your favorite perfume


Put all the ingredients in a container so they mix. Once the preparation is warm, you must strain the liquid. When you finish your daily bath, pour the recipe over your body, without getting your head wet. Finally, throw what you've strained into a garden.

5) Rue, mint, swordfish and apple

Rue and mint are two plants widely used for protection and removal of negative energies. At the same time, mint opens paths and promotes spiritual elevation. These benefits are even better with the apple, which balances the chakras and facilitates the flow of energy through the body.


  • 1 liter of boiled water
  • 1 bunch of rosemary
  • 1 bunch of mint
  • 1 leaf of Saint George's Sword
  • ½ apple


First of all, chop all the ingredients in the recipe. Then put them in the boiled water, mixing. Once it's warm, you can strain the preparation and pour the liquid over your body, after bathing, from your neck to your feet. To close, pray to Archangel Raphael and bury the ingredients used in the ritual.

Do spiritual cleansing baths really work?

It is common to question whether spiritual cleansing baths really work. The answer to this question is: it depends on your case. Sometimes a person is just feeling bad for an energetic issue, and baths will really help if they're open to it.

It is possible, however, that an individual is feeling bad for issues that go beyond spirituality, such as mental disorders. In this case, the bath will be an aid, but it will not cure the problems that the person is facing.

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It is critical, therefore, that you seek medical attention if you are experiencing a lasting illness, as well as connecting with your spirituality. In this way, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of baths with responsibility and peace!

In view of all the information presented, we conclude that spiritual cleansing baths are important to recover good energies and ward off the negative vibes that surround us. Through them you can increase your well-being, with the help of natural ingredients. Feel good!

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