Interview with Alana Trauczynski, author of the book “Recalculating the route”

The book “Recalculating to rota” can be considered a guide to leave on the side of the bed and read before bed (if you don't devour reading in days). Either way, it's a book that will help you see if your route can or should be changed.

Interview with Alana Trauczynski, author of the book “Recalculating the route”Alana Trauczynski, the author, was born in Santa Catarina and today lives in different parts of the world, as she puts it. In 2012, she launched “Recalculating the route”, the result of business trips, knowledge and much more. We talked to Alana and she told us a little about her trajectory.

Me Without Borders: Tell me a little about yourself. Where do you live, what do you do?

Recalculating to rota: I am a writer, speaker, author of a book called “Recalculating the Route” and also a digital entrepreneur and coach. I have an online self-knowledge program for people who feel that their life path needs to be recalculated. You can see everything I do on the site. I'm a bit of a nomad, I live wherever I want… I usually stay in each place for about 3 months.

ESF:  How does the Recalculating the route program work?

Recalculating to rota: The Recalculating the Route Program is entirely online, on its own platform. There are 12 30-minute video classes released one by one, weekly. Each class has a coaching exercise book and a meditation to be practiced every day. We also do 5 live classes and an annual meeting, which has become a highly coveted event called Firefly Wonderland. I only release the program once a year, so people need to apply at that time. Other than that, a lot of my content is free, through my website, the Recalculating the route page on Facebook and the videos on YouTube. That way, you access a lot of my content and, if it's for you, you can sign up for the next class of the program.

ESF:  What approaches and studies do you focus on to do this work?

Recalculating to rota: I studied with the greatest coaches in the world, great authors and masters of wisdom. The program is practically based on positive psychology, principles of quantum physics and neuroscience.

ESF: Anyone in the country can do it or does it depend a lot on the events where you will be?

Recalculating to rota: Anyone IN THE WORLD can do it, but the annual live event is in España.

ESF: For a long time people talked about this division of personal life and work and now many believe it to be one thing. How do you see this?

Recalculating to rota: I don't see it as one thing. Who I am is much bigger than what I do. But in the lives of web celebrities, this is really mixing up a lot because the whole life is posted and publicized, serving as an example and reference. I've been feeling a little apprehensive about it, because I don't want to be an example. My only merit is sharing my knowledge.

Interview with Alana Trauczynski, author of the book “Recalculating the route”ESF: Some people want to change their area, they are not happy with their work, but they put the financial issue first. Why is this crossing so difficult? 

Recalculating to rota: Like every crossing, we must first take a step into the dark. This step is the most difficult. We need to bet without guarantees and human beings like security. I also see that many people have difficulty taking responsibility for their own lives and are living a life they don't want and victimizing themselves for a long time.

ESF: What do you most notice in people from the course they took with you?

Recalculating to rota: The biggest transformation of the course is that people become observers of themselves, they no longer live life as if it were a video game, reacting to what appears on the screen. They become responsible for themselves and co-creators of their own reality.

ESF: In the midst of the crisis, how can people reinvent themselves?

Recalculating to rota: Every reinvention starts from a different thought, which is not linear, it is not normal, expected, socially accepted. Those who can be creative and adaptable easily survive the crisis and even earn more money during this period. But it takes courage...

ESF: Leave a message:

Recalculating to rota: The heart is a much smarter organ than the brain when it comes to making decisions. The brain will always choose what would be “correct”, plausible, theoretically “intelligent” and socially acceptable. The heart gives crazy answers, which are often frightening, demand difficult mobilizations and are apparently meaningless. But these answers lead you to the true purpose, to the true path… The mind's answers only slow you down.

  • Interview conducted by Angélica Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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