Inner Journey: Path of the Healer Archetype

    The search for expansion of consciousness and life purpose: we will address this issue in a series of articles

    The Inner Journey and the Healer's Path

    The Healer archetype (model of human behavior) is one that represents the personal energy of love, right communication, and being mindful of what has heart and meaning.

    Its purpose is to recognize and use the power of love as the most powerful healing energy available to human beings.

    The Conscious Healer is one who extends the arms of love with all the energy of their being in recognition, acceptance, consideration, value and gratitude.

    The expressions of recognition are:

    Mutual recognition of talents and character qualities.

    Recognition of reciprocal appearances and the impact caused by them.

    When the recognition received is minimal, it causes a feeling of inadequacy or low self-esteem. Favoring unhealthy relationships with yourself and others.

    Thus, curators are people highly skilled in the art of recognizing people's character and worth. They are fully convinced that the greatest remorse is love that has not manifested itself.

    One of the contemporary examples of someone who healed through unconditional love is Mother Teresa of Calcutta, we can call her the medicine woman!

    There are cultures that believe that the heart is the bridge between Father Sky and Mother Earth. These traditions believe that the heart has four chambers, a source of sustenance for our emotional and spiritual health. How is your heart?

    Inner Journey: Path of the Healer Archetype

    full heart: full in its accomplishments. The opposite is to feel the heart in half, a sign that something is not full in us and that we need to get out of this situation.

    Open heart: receptive and with high power of recognition. The opposite is the feeling of resistance, defensiveness and protection not to be hurt, a sign that we need to soften the judgment and reopen the heart.

    clear heart: clarity and discernment flow within him. The opposite is the feeling of confusion and doubt, they bring states of ambivalence and indifference, a sign that we need to stop to wait, wait for clarity, instead of acting on impulse.

    Strong heart: courage and authenticity are his qualities. It brings the strength of courage to be all that we are in our lives. It is the ability to defend our essence or heart. The opposite is not being aware of everything that has heart and meaning, it is weakness of the soul, it is the position of victim, a sign that we need to feel the power of courage and authenticity and change.

    To balance our love and health nature we need to experience and reflect on the eight healing concepts:

    1. Healing is the journey towards wholeness of being.

    2. Healing is remembering what we forgot about bonding, interdependence.

    3. Healing is embracing what we fear most.

    4. Healing is softening the four-chambered heart.

    5. Healing is a connection in which the connection with the sacred being is experienced.

    6. Healing is genuine creativity, passion and love.

    7. Healing is seeking and expressing the being in its fullness, light and shadow, feminine and masculine.

    8. Healing is learning to trust life.

    Inner Journey: Path of the Healer Archetype

    The Art of Storytelling is one of the tools used by the Curator to awaken the inner child, evoking qualities, admiration, hope and amazement.

    Restore health using this healing balm.

    Storytelling brings new contours to the experience or life story of adults, evoking meanings, memories, positive experiences, opening the heart, cherishing dreams, desires and hopes in oneself.

    The Curator is recognized as a talented storyteller, touches the essence of people as a catalyst evoking the union of the chambers of the heart in an affective, loving and authentic way.

    “Whatever house I enter, I will enter to heal”

    Hippocratic Oath

    The Healer's relationship with Nature is one of connection with the earth element. It recognizes the value of nourishment, nurturing, renewal and regeneration. He recognizes the importance of trees for the balance of life, it is the metaphor of transformation symbolizing births, marriages, deaths and important beginnings.

    The Curator's challenge is:Inner Journey: Path of the Healer Archetype

    1. Take care of your own health and well-being.

    2. Caring for commitment to life-affirming standards, the shadow is life-denying.

    3. Acting with courage and protagonism, the opposite is acting as a victim.

    4. Valuing interdependence, everyone and everything is connected in the web of life.

    5. Keeping the four-chambered heart healthy, the opposite is opening the door to illness and suffering.

    “Write the evils that were done to you on the sand, but write the good things that you received on the marble. Let go of all the emotions of resentment and retaliation that diminish you, and hold on to the feelings of gratitude and joy that make you bigger.”

    Arabic proverb

    Practices to enhance the Curator archetype:

    To think about:

    1. What are your favorite children's stories?

    2. What childhood stories do you tell people?

    3. Who are the people who have become masters of your heart?

    4. Where and with whom do you feel the love offered is receptive?

    5. What is the condition of your four chamber heart?

    To try: Nurturing Session

    Lie on your back in a comfortable place, place your hands over your heart, inhale and exhale slowly and gently, feeling your heartbeat. And silently acknowledge the character qualities you appreciate in yourself, your strength, the contributions you can make, thank the love offered and received. Stay in touch with yourself, with the divine and sacred being that you are.

    Ideal that can be practiced three times a day: morning, noon and night. At least at night, before going to sleep.

    Moment to revere the sacred time, dedicated to introspection, contemplation, discovery and veneration of the divine sacred. It helps us remember that we are light, soft, subtle and strong beings!

    It is a form of reclining meditation to gain access to the quality of love and renewal, being the best posture for embracing and transforming feelings related to fear, anger, control, and for caring for the four-chambered heart.

    "Tell me who you love and I'll tell you who you are".

    african american proverb

    Inner Journey: Path of the Healer Archetype

    And to finish… I leave the universal healing principles:

    1. Balanced diet

    2. Daily or weekly exercises

    3. Time for leisure and play

    4. Songs, sounds and chants

    5. Love, touch and support systems

    6. creative activities

    7. Contact with Nature and healthy environments

    8. Faith and belief in spirituality

    Good thoughts and practices!

    Next month, we're going to meet the Master archetype.

    See you later!


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