Inner Child Healing Journey – Part 1: Transform your life in just a few days

Inner Child Healing Journey – Part 1: Transform your life in just a few days

Hello beloved, in contribution to the “Yellow September” campaign, suicide prevention month, today I invite my beloved readers to participate in another Free Online Healing Journey that I made available here on the Portal.

You can be reading this text in any month of any year, which I guarantee, the effect will be the same. A knowledge that you will take with you throughout your life and you will be able to help people with what you will learn on this journey.

This journey will have 5 consecutive days deep dive for people who really need help, those who seek self-knowledge or those who want to help loved ones in their pain, such as anguish, depression, anxieties, failures, among other evils that affect the soul, mind, body and the spirit.

Before the 5 days, we will have a preparation that is essential to start the 5 day journey. The schedule will be at the bottom of the page to make it easier for readers to follow the step by step. I have been doing healing journeys and cycles for many years, each with a purpose, but all aimed at healing, which is actually self-healing. What I do is lead you in a simple and understandable way for everyone, from start to finish, where TOGETHER we will be stronger and prepared to deal with the daily confrontations that we ALL HAVE.

Hence, SHARE this page in your social networks and groups, to take this knowledge and techniques to help more people. WE ARE GRATEFUL!!!

Inner Child Healing Journey – Part 1: Transform your life in just a few days

Well, every day we follow tragedies that increase more every year. Talking about suicide, nowadays most people don't act “as” silently as they used to. Nowadays, young people are usually influenced by virtual groups hidden on the net, formed by people who are also sick, who even bet on who commits the biggest atrocities before killing themselves, involving innocent victims who have their lives interrupted.

And as I explain in other articles, the last ones to realize the seriousness of what is about to happen are the parents, relatives, friends… Unfortunately depression is still called freshness, victimization and mimimi. It's hard to think that one of these horrible news could be our children, spouses or even ourselves, isn't it?

Like a stray bullet, today you are alive and tomorrow you are not.

And here I deal not only with the victims involved in these tragedies, but with ALL of us, who, even seeking self-healing, are subject to events that take us off the axis and can drive us to commit insane things.

According to research, family members of suicidal people report that they even noticed a sadness, a silence of the loved one, but that he was already better and they never imagined that he would be planning one of the many tragedies that appear in the media. And that's how it is, the human being gets better, worse, better and worse, but the bomb is still there, waiting for an event that one day BOOM!!! She explodes.

And this is the purpose of this journey. To delve deeper into the questions that set up this “bomb” implanted in our chest. This journey looks at our inner child, who, in order to defend himself, started to assemble this “bomb”. This child that we will always carry inside the adult we think we are.

Inner Child Healing Journey – Part 1: Transform your life in just a few days

We are used to suffering from the tragedies that happen inside and outside the country, from tragedies in schools, deforestation, the problems of neighbors, without thinking that we are all the same and that at one time or another we can go through the same, either directly or indirectly.

But, finally, the world is looking at this, especially after the suicide prevention campaign, after all, through understanding and prevention we can help in time… because there is no way to fix anything after a fatality.

Beloved, I invite everyone to participate in this deep dive of self-knowledge that I prepared with much love for you, showing my face, exposing my pains and problems as a human being that I am, therefore, regardless of my knowledge, as well as that of so many great teachers and writers, we are human, we make mistakes and learn all the time, we also have ups and downs, but we face our issues more quickly due to the studies and training we had, which does not mean that we are immune, as no one is.

On this journey we will take care of our inner child, follow my invitation in the video.

Come with me? Let's heal together.

Initially this journey was made available on our platform, for that some mentions about registration, email, etc, should be disregarded, because the journey is complete here on the portal, with lots of love, available to everyone.

Na #parte2 of this preparation of the journey, I explain a little more of what we are going to work on. I do this in gratitude to thousands of people who witness their healings after my cycles, journeys, videos, courses, etc… Although I always make this clear, it is helping others that I also help myself.


ATTENTION TO THE BUTTONS BELOW... and, see you soon...

Raquel Koury

YOU ARE HERE - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

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