Illusion: A Bitter Reality

    Life has two faces that can be experienced. One of these facets of life is the essence, a natural life, based on real facts, which perfectly characterizes the reality of a being. The other face of life is illusion, the one that hides, oppresses the truth, lives based on appearance and creates a story in which there is not a real being, but a fictional one.

    The value of a life is measured by the accepted and well-experienced reality. You have a story and it must be accepted with all your heart. It is the truth that inhabits your life. Accept, honor and know that every story is beautiful. Even if there were facts that you didn't like, try to recognize them and realize what needs to be transformed or what you would do differently in the same situation you experienced. Check what you can change and modify.

    There are a lot of ideas these days that looks are fantastic, but it's not. The best appearance of a person is the sparkle in their eyes, the heart in everything they experience and the intensity of living their best, seeking happiness, love, peace and inner well-being. All this is achieved through a life of pure reality. We are real people and we need to experience reality exactly as it is. This is the greatest teaching of life. It is learning that we are ourselves and not others. Therefore, there is no reason to compare or analyze the lives of others. Each person has their own life story. The only wonderful appearance to maintain is one that describes your story. They are the marks of the life you have lived. Every moment is important to create the being that is you.

    Illusion: A Bitter Reality
    bee32 / Getty Images / Canva

    The best idea is the connection of essence with appearance. It's you being who you are, and looking exactly like that. Life becomes something real and meaningful, for there is only way to experience the great purpose of existence by assuming the inner reality and simply being you. By living with the truth, you are proposing to have a great life, because nothing is better than the inner reality. Always accept, because acceptance brings teachings that everything that happens has a special reason. We don't experience anything we don't need. Everything is for a purpose of evolution. Life is evolution, and it can only happen in the presence of the best life choice, which is the lived reality in all its aspects.

    By choosing reality from essence, you create a life of truth, eliminate lies and make illusion disappear. You become free to just be. That's the best thing in every person's life. Assume reality to be able to become a whole being in your life. So, for all times, you will be able to count on completeness. It will and will be completely in every situation. So, you will experience the best that life can give you, because it is rich when reality is experienced.

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    There will never be a more radiant beauty than an evolving essence. You are this evolving essence when you truly assume your entire existence. Wealth is being you. Reality is the best creation for a lifetime. Your reality is the best!

    Love & Light!
    Fraternal hug!

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