Illuminated Road – The World is Better!

    It is normal to complain about the world, saying that nothing is working and that it is difficult to live in these times. Others don't worry too much about it and fixate on the idea that Jesus is coming back. Others don't believe in anything and let life take them as the song says.

    In fact, today the world is better, as our brother Divaldo Franco said on one such occasion, because when the trials exist, they are certainly lessened, this with the advent of anesthesia for example. In other times we had to extract, it wasn't really extracting, but pulling out a tooth in pain. Surgery was not possible at all levels and we could only hear the heartbeat of a child in the womb, whereas today we visualize the sex and if there is any malformation.

    Illuminated Road – The World is Better!

    Of course, in the field of morals there are people who are quite late in evolution and do not follow the rise of the Planet, they are the so-called refractory of laws, order and good customs, but these in general are not taken into much consideration and end up without space to live in society.

    I remember that a few years ago it was tolerated to drive with a considered blood alcohol level. It was common for us to go on vacation, fill the car with beer cans, and during the trip go sipping. Smoking was common in all spaces, and campaigns for us to do pre-cancer exams didn't even exist. The body received special attention in the 70s, with the “Move yourself” Campaign, because until then we were only concerned with musculature.

    But time passes and today, despite wars, drugs and corruption, we are already thinking about good things, evolution, preservation of the environment. With a better quality of life, which gives us good energy, thus producing a better mood that ends up motivating people around us to enter a climate of positivity.

    Illuminated Road – The World is Better!

    I mentioned that some say Jesus is coming back. Who knows? After all, everyone has their beliefs, but He was here just two thousand years ago and they killed his physical body, and even though he left the words mentioned in the Gospel, these were still not fulfilled in their fullness! Why go back? We do have to continue to follow the path of good, persevering, and evolving as we have achieved so far, most of us quitting drinking when driving, and others looking for increasingly improved surgical ways, with micro cuts and without any pain.

    Therefore, the world is better, and although some are waiting for the Master to return, others think that He is always with us through the Gospel of Light, which unfortunately many do not even know what it is, that is why so much iniquity.

    The energy we emanate spreads everywhere, involving us all.

    Let's try to improve ourselves, and certainly if Jesus returns he will be happy to see that we have evolved.

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