Light life! Unpacking your luggage…

    We are living in turbulent times and it is increasingly a challenge to take good care of our being… We seek good food, a balanced diet, but stress sneaks up on us. We want to give good schools, trips, gifts to our children and we bury ourselves in endless work and away from the children. How long will these heavy choices accompany us?

    It is necessary to prioritize what you really want, in fact, intimately. Would a not so strict diet be healthier, but, on the other hand, a less hectic life? And the kids? Have you ever stopped to ask them if they prefer your company, or the mountains of gifts, trips, and more?

    It is a text for our reflection. It is already known that it is not so much the answers that matter, but asking the right questions.

    Light life! Unpacking your luggage…

    Is living running from one place to another really necessary, or has it created too many expectations with the tasks and roles that need to be performed without a rigorous analysis that is really urgent?

    Realize that children grow and this time of mad absence seeking to fill spaces will not return. Are we heroes or closeted egotists? Do we want the best for us, for ours or do we want to impress the wrong people? We look for titles, diets, unmissable outings, weekly meetings, while our flow of life slowly fades away.

    I confess that making the necessary adjustments is uncomfortable, but little by little they show a more satisfactory result. It's not the number of tasks that matters, but knowing how to select the most important ones. It's not easy, it hurts at first, it creates doubts about choosing the right one: quality and not quantity. It generates discomfort not to follow the mass. But the personal result of more balance, albeit gradual, in you and the people who really matter, is worth it!

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