Illuminated road – Just praying is not enough

Sometimes we complain about the life we ​​lead because we see that many people around us have a seemingly better life than ours, or perhaps less bad. In fact, it is common at some point to find ourselves evaluating the lives of others and even forget a little about our own.

Illuminated road – Just praying is not enough

One of the questions I always ask people who come to our study group is what she is doing to solve the difficult time she is going through. Interestingly, the most used answer is β€œI don't know” or β€œI'm praying”. Now, not knowing is something quite complex, as it demonstrates that the person is totally lost in his/her purposes, but responding by claiming that he/she is praying is also not a measure that will make the difficult moment be resolved.

But they claim that God is powerful and praying will solve the issue!

It is not quite like that, if any impasse of this life were resolved by saying prayer, religious who live in recollection, for example, would have no problems! God, in fact, is powerful and could change our lives in the blink of an eye if he wanted to, but this does not happen, because God is also just and when His justice is present, difficulties break out in our lives.

What happens to us today is a reflection of past lives, of our behavior with people we have lived with. Added to this reflection, our ability to practice wrong attitudes, often promoting discord, evil, slander and transgressions the Divine Law itself that is embedded in our conscience.

Illuminated road – Just praying is not enough

It is normal to have to go through certain difficult moments, rescuing situations from other lives, but when we face the first difficulties, we rebel and end up displeasing the Divine Law and we start to take the wrong attitude that will worsen our situation. Then the burden is too heavy! 

Let's put aside the complaining of life.

Let's do an analysis of what is happening to us. Let us try to identify whether, by our daily behavior, we have not caused the evil that is afflicting us. Let us pray that we may be helped by spiritual benefactors, Messengers of God, to help us and intuit us to follow the best path and take the most coherent attitude! 

Let's try to solve one problem at a time. Trying to face several becomes difficult and we may not be successful. After solving one, we move on to the other and so on. Let's pray, pray, say prayers, but let's have the ability at least to try not to make the same mistakes, otherwise our prayer will be worthless.

Illuminated road – Just praying is not enough

God wants our attitude, work for moral improvement, effort in decisions. We were created to evolve and not be β€œmi mi mi” as they say.

Let's ask ourselves the question: what I'm doing practically to overcome the difficult time I'm going through. Just praying and hoping that the solution β€œfalls from the sky” will not solve it. Energy, friends. Energy.

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