Illuminated Road – Each with their mission

For some decades now it has been possible, with the advent of political openness in Spain, to practice religiously according to the principles of each religion, because before it was not possible for some religious segments to manifest, much less be practiced, but finally this remained in the time and every day a new religion appears, many of which are derived from others.

This allows people to choose what suits them best. In this aspect too, Spiritism can be practiced freely, because in the past there was great persecution, including in Spain in 1861, even books were burned and there was even a list of books that were forbidden to be read, among which were publications by Kardec.

For those who don't know, Allan Kardec was the founder of Spiritism on Planet Earth. In fact, Kardec's mission began before his birth, when he received this mission in the spiritual plane.

Illuminated Road – Each with their mission

But all of us, before we are born, have the knowledge of what we are going to accomplish, the trials we are going to go through, the sufferings we will have to face. This is not only in the religious field, but also in the field of arts, politics, science, etc.

Sometimes our mission involves matters of lesser repercussion, such as, for example, to lead our family on the path of good, to educate our children, a mission that is no less important, but with a high level of commitment. It is good that we think about this, because no one comes to this earthly plane for a walk and the time we waste in not achieving goals is harmful.

Kardec fully fulfilled his mission on Earth, founded the Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies on April 01, 1858, which made it possible for the Doctrine to expand, becoming what it is today. It is a religion that has God as the supreme intelligence, the first cause of all things and Jesus as a model and guide, and it is not of human content, but rather, the works were dictated through mediumship by high spirits and only Kardec did the compilation.

Illuminated Road – Each with their mission

But I emphasize again that the missions in life are many and like Kardec who was in the religious field, we have missions of scientists who arrive on earth to minimize suffering with information about medicines, vaccines, treatments and equipment in the field of health, but it is through study and reading that we learn and discover our particular mission.

Being the perfect and infinitely good Father, he makes it possible for help to reach us at the right time. It was Master Jesus who told us: β€œYou will know the truth and it will set you free”, then a lot of dedication is needed in the search for answers, the reasons why there are so many afflictions and we are inserted in them.

It is also in the study that we will clarify the reason why some suffer so much and others hardly go through any harm. Today we waste a lot of time on social networks, occupying ourselves with trifles, while we leave good books on the shelves without getting into their contents. Let's think about it.

Serenity to all.

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