5 reasons to say yes

You shouldn't say "yes" to everything, but it's important to know how to say it when you need to. We often say “no” because we think we don't deserve to say “yes”. The "yes" works as acceptance and we almost always think we are not worthy to accept, whether it's a job offer or something natural, like a simple favor. Other times, we think that saying “yes” will annoy or disrespect the person who proposes to us or wants to do something for us.

The first factor needed to say “yes” is knowing what to say, and when. There is no way to judge something as right or wrong, as it is very relative according to the person who is in a certain situation, but, in principle, everything you feel like doing, saying or accepting is worthy of a big YES. There is a movie called Yes, Sir, with actor Jim Carrey, which I recommend for those who say “no” a lot, and for them to reflect on this issue.

But, after all, why say “yes”?

1. By saying “yes”, we allow ourselves to be and accept what we want and what we are: a positive response, in addition to being acceptance, is a choice. When we choose what to do in that moment, it is allowing ourselves to be ourselves and accepting that.

2. The “yes” opens new doors: when you say a conscious “yes” to what you want, you create new opportunities. For example: when you say “yes” to learning a language, you are creating possibilities to go to a new country where that language is spoken. The more you accept challenges, the more doors will open.

5 reasons to say yes

3. Saying “yes” is a form of self-esteem: when you say "no" too many times, you refuse to do something you would like to do, it makes the person discouraged. But the "yes" offers paths to new knowledge, it makes you accept that you deserve it, therefore, your self-esteem increases.

4. Those who say “yes” are happier: so many new things, so many places, so much to learn, allow yourself and let yourself go. So it is a gift to use the word “yes”. Being happy starts with accepting happiness, and even if everything goes wrong, if you did it by choice, it won't be so bad and can actually be seen as a huge learning experience. The “yes”, unlike the “no”, will never be seen as a waste of time or as a regret.

5. Saying “yes” is also humility: accepting a request or granting a favor is a form of humility, which comes from your willingness to do something for the other person, so saying “yes” is not arrogance, but an act of humility.

Text written by Giulia Machiaveli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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