I will win, a guide to a peaceful and happy life

    Arthur Riedel was born in SĂŁo Paulo, on May 27, 1888. Son of Professor Alexandre Riedel, the author, linked to the esoteric circle, was a true teacher of optimism, a philosophy of practical life based on mental auto-suggestion and the development of the will. For many years, he kept the School of Life in his house, which brought together his friends and supporters of his ideas. Thus, with his teachings, the teacher helped, morally and spiritually, thousands of people.

    He created the motto “Hei de Vencer” inspired by the mental autosuggestion proposed by the Coué Method, by French psychologist Emile Coué.

    For 30 years, he preached mental autosuggestion through lectures and classes, known as "healing sessions", teaching people to be masters of themselves by learning the way of stones to achieve the inner peace necessary for a calm and peaceful life. happy.

    Professor Riedel left us a spiritual legacy, teaching us to cultivate positive imagination. Through this attitude, we would follow the path to prosperity in any area of ​​life.

    Averse to exhibitionism, with a modesty beyond all proof, out of the ordinary and worthy of the great masters, he never considered giving permanent form to his reflections; he never wrote a book during his lifetime, but he had nine lectures, the well-known “healing sessions”, gathered in the collection “Hei de Vencer”.

    As a young man, Riedel suffered a psychic imbalance, had a nervous breakdown and even flirted with suicidal thoughts, such was his depression. Only alcohol brought him comfort and he ended up in a mental hospital.

    But then a ray of hope appeared: the desire for accomplishments. It came along with the motivation that arose when, by chance, a book on mental autosuggestion, by Emile Coué, fell into his hands.

    It changed your life. She went on to adopt Coué's magical mantra: "Every day, in every way, I feel better and better." Using the Coué Method, she actually started to feel better and better.

    So Arthur Riedel was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and literally came to understand that, in turn, the positive mind is capable of generating love, trust, peace, security, health, tolerance, charity, pleasure, serenity and abundance. He discovered the school of life, where true prayer is love.

    The teacher also used to say that “good humor prolongs life and helps to resolve difficulties”. This state of mind, the good mood, in his classes, lectures, lectures, in his “healing sessions”, was always present. He knew, he knew about the secret of provoking laughter when necessary, having the formula to awaken in people's consciousness something new, more alive and real.

    With the mind in tune and the body in harmony, he taught that we can have the inner peace necessary for a calm and happy life.

    “Everything will be given to you if you know how to imagine clearly and constantly what you want. If you don't get what you ask for, it's because you don't know how to ask and you don't even know what you ask for. Learn to cultivate a positive imagination, for the benefit of yourself and all creatures. Engrave in your memory that imagination is a powerful force.”

    I will win, a guide to a peaceful and happy life

    Inspired by Emile Coué's mental autosuggestion and his magical mantra that brought him back to life, he created his own motto: “Hei de Vencer. I don't know how, or when, or in what way, or in what way, but I will win”. This premise was summarized in the key phrase: “Hei de Vencer”.

    In turn, his motto is a strong mental attitude, a mental attitude capable of winning that, like Coué's mantra, inspired him to create his key phrase that, repeated several times, mentally, as a psychological technique, works like magic in the face of life's adversities; it is the enchanted key to the enigma, to hermetic wisdom, to the mystery of life.

    In other words, if we follow the wise words contained in Professor Riedel's teachings, we can achieve fullness. That's because "if you learn to be positive, happiness will come to you".

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