Cleanse your life of negativity in 7 steps

    Unfortunately, many moments in our lives are filled with negativity. Problems with friends, the great competition in the environment and in the job market, the lack of communication every day in our life, end up increasing the levels of anxiety and stress in our daily lives. Negativity interferes, and a lot, in our lives, especially if we continue to live in the same way we are used to, we won't see any kind of change.

    Hence, we must clean all negativity from our lives to achieve more positive results. This list should be made regardless of the time: whether it is for a day, for a month, for a week or for the rest of our lives. Check out:


    1- Read books

    Reading a book helps clear your mind. of any kind of problem or transformation. Choose a topic that interests you and let your imagination transform you and transport you to another plane, another world.

    2- The cell phone is detached

    One of the great stressors nowadays are the mobile phones. There are several applications available that can take away our peace and quiet, for example, social networks. If you are a jealous person, why are you looking, from time to time, to what your loved one or ex-lover is doing? Why do you worry so much about what others are saying or thinking about you?

    Focus on more useful things. Spend your time with the people you love and let go of that device and the apps you're addicted to.

    3- Eliminate everything that is not really necessary

    A good tip to get rid of all negativity present in your life is to eliminate everything that is not really necessary. And that goes for everything inside your house, or even in your virtual life. Put all bad feelings in the trash, delete old messages, forget about the harm they caused you. Build a more organized space and, in this way, you will be able to easily fight all this negative energy.

    4- Breathe

    Most of the times when we feel stressed and anxious, the best medicine is to breathe some fresh air. If you're sensing negativity creeping in, try taking a walk, or getting out of that environment, to clear your mind. If you have some free time in your daily life, a good tip is to plan a walk, or any type of outdoor activity.

    5- Energize your home

    Some sages suggest that it be done in environments where the burning of white sage is frequent, a type of ritual that has been performed for thousands of years by Native Americans and that is capable of renew all the energy present around you.

    6- Take a deep breath

    In the most tense moments, a good tip to ward off negativity is to breathe slowly and deeply. In this way, your heart will slow down and your mind will be lighter, freeing you from any more anxious feelings.

    7- Take a shower

    Cleanse your life of negativity in 7 steps

    Water is a powerful element in purifying our body and mind.. So when negativity knocks on your door, take a long shower, using your favorite oils and creams.

    Opt for a hot bath, it will help release all tension present in your body. Another good tip is to put instrumental music in the background or calmer ones that you like.

    Did you know that incense also helps in the rebalancing of positive energies? Check out more on the website: Believe in incense: they help balance the energies in the environment and in your body.

    Text written by Flávia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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