I'm full!

    A while ago I heard a question like: “Leandra, do you consider yourself a complete person?”.

    Immediately and without thinking about the answer, I immediately verbalized a long and resounding: “Nooo!”, as if denying something that could put me on the level of people who are well all the time, an association I made with the word, that moment.

    Why did this question make me so repulsed? That was the question I asked myself right after my answer.

    Since then, I have dedicated myself to building a healthy relationship with the word “full”, as I realized that, due to the promptness of my response, it was full of meanings and images that were not allowing a dialogue to be established between me and her.

    So I went on to ask a few more questions:

    • What does it mean to feel full?
    • How many other words fit into the word “full”?
    • For me, what are the images that bring me the feeling of feeling full?

    I was cultivating the answers.

    I'm full!
    Marco Testi / Unsplash

    Today, in the fullness of my recently completed 42 years, I dare say that if that question had been asked of me now, I would have answered it in a different way. I would think before answering promptly and automatically and say: “Yes, I consider myself a complete person!”.

    My fullness, in fact, is due to the fact of recognizing that some things that I have already said and affirmed, today, I would say differently.

    In my search, I discovered that plenitude has to do with movement, this movement that allows me to move from one event to another and re-signify the facts, rethink what happened and internalize learning.

    To be full is to be whole, it is to dedicate myself to living the flow of life in its intensities, in its variations.

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    It is to authorize myself to live what I feel, to act more and more in accordance with what I think and say.

    I feel that, in this process, the more I can be myself, the fuller I can say that I am.

    And if I am, so are you!

    How about being inspired by the questions I asked myself and elaborating your own so that you can establish a relationship with the word and then dedicate yourself to looking for answers that make sense to you?

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