I come from a good generation: “I listened to my parents”

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We human beings are always the sum of something we were. The sum of decisions we needed to make and actions we actually took. Undeniably and precisely because of this fact, society in general is in continuous change, as human relations with life collide every day. Therefore, no less important, we must understand the various aspects of the problem of human beings and their “existential disaster”.

Let's understand that the youth of the 21st century are not ethically or morally less evolved than the youth of past centuries, they are just different conditions, at different times. The aspects offered to children in the digital age were not learned independently, they were taught by the same adults “who listened to their parents”. The psychologist and teacher Albert Bandura already said that children reflect the actions of their parents by repeating what they are taught. In this context, the problems of this century do not belong only to this century, but are the result of years of human mistakes and their relationship with life, discipline and collectivity.

I come from a good generation: “I listened to my parents”

The youth of today represent our future.

If, not so far away, that future fails, the consequences will not only be in the hands of these young people, but in the hands of everyone. We need to give more credibility and opportunity to the young people of this century so that they are willing to show what they are capable of, in their own way and with the resources they know so well. Never in the history of España has there been such a large number of young people in the legislature, in voluntary work institutions or even in the political initiatives that exist in every corner of this country. Young people do have the necessary will, sufficient power and a lively role for social change and that is what we all need to believe.

I come from a good generation: “I listened to my parents” – bullshit! Pure bull! Before, coming from this “good generation” could change only one social problem. Don't sing about your creation, don't burp WhatsApp slogans, don't tell the world he's changed, but rather that the world can change – and change for the better. Initiatives need to start today! We cannot look at the past thinking how to return to it, we need to understand it so that our future is protected from mistakes that have already been made.

I come from a good generation: “I listened to my parents”

Today's youth will be tomorrow's adults, just as today's adults were youth in the past. Everyone deserves a future, but for it to come, we need to improve our relationship with life. We need to understand that human existence is not empty, not inert, not insensitive. We have our problems, we have our dilemmas, but if there is life there must be hope – and where there is hope there is life.

You may also like another article by this author. Access: So, let's talk about unschooling?

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