I AM Journey: Who are you in the bread line?

First episode: Welcome to this series that aims to plant a seed in your heart about issues related to self-knowledge, which I consider very important. Who are you?

Appropriating ourselves, discovering who we are in essence has become more and more fundamental to living a full and happy life. Enough of following the herd and walking on a destiny that they have traced for us!

It's time to look inside and really discover everything that makes our soul vibrate at the highest frequency! My invitation is for us to have a “chat” for four weeks about issues that keep us away from ourselves, so that we can understand ourselves, welcome ourselves, accept ourselves and above all, love ourselves.

I AM Journey: Who are you in the bread line?
Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels

I usually say that self-knowledge is the greatest demonstration of self-love we can have with ourselves. When we allow ourselves to look inside, we are open to experiencing countless wonderful discoveries, which can even redefine many of the pain we feel today.

Watch the video below and let your comment feel in the heart. Let's exchange experiences and welcome each other. This journey is mine, it's yours, it's all of us! After the video I will leave an exercise that can help you in this process. I hope you enjoy!

Video: I AM Journey: Who are you in the bread line?

Exercise for self-knowledge:

The proposal here is to take you to places you may not have been, either because you don't know the way or simply because you don't want to go on such a journey. These are some questions that seem simple, but that may require a lot of your ability to get rid of self-judgment and self-criticism.

My tip to start this process is to take a deep nasal breath three times: inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 4, hold your breath for 4 seconds and release, also through your nose, for a count of 4. Empty your mind. Pay attention only to the breath. Feel the air entering your nostrils and then leaving. This will bring you to the present moment and facilitate the development of the exercise.

As you read each question, try not to rationalize the answer, that is, try not to answer with reason, with your mind. Preference for feeling. Let the feelings come and just observe them, and then build on your response.

Come on?

1 – Imagine yourself in front of the mirror, in a place where there is nothing and no one but you. Your mirror image is looking deep into your eyes and asking you: Who are you at your core?

I AM Journey: Who are you in the bread line?
Photo by Ismael Sanchez not from Pexels

2 – In this same environment, of pure love and peace, rescue what was the most incredible thing you've ever done for yourself? What brought you inexplicable and genuine happiness?

3 – What do you really like? We're talking about anything you can imagine here—music, food, places, style of dress—let it flow and just write!

After you're done, take a walk, have a coffee or something you like, and reread your answers (this space should be about 1 hour long) and see how you feel about what you've shared. Notice your emotions (surprise, anger, joy, sadness, satisfaction), observe your body (whether it is expanded, chest open, relaxed or muscles are contracted, jaw locked, heart racing). All of this is part of this process and these perceptions gradually become clearer. If you want to write it all down too.

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If you have any questions about the exercises of the process itself or if you just want to vent and exchange experiences, leave your message below or look for me on Instagram: @carolinazambelo.

I hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode for another stage of this beautiful journey! In addition to more reflections, I will bring a continuation of the exercises.

Be alright.

Ah O


We continue!

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