pompoarism techniques

Among the many taboos that exist around female sexuality, pompoarism is perhaps among the main ones. Many people, in a first contact with the name, already imagine some kind of show involving the throwing of objects through the vagina. However, this ancient technique of intimate gymnastics has much more to offer – both for women's pleasure and quality of life. Before knowing the techniques of pompoarismo, let's know a little more about this universe?

The pompoarismo is basically an exercise technique for the vaginal canal. The movements strengthen the female pelvic floor muscles, bringing various benefits. Its origin is associated with the East, specifically South India and Thailand; some records also associate it with Africa.

It is believed that the exercises we know today are a rescue of ancient knowledge from matrifocal societies shared between priestesses for fertility rituals. It was the oral tradition between mother and daughter, in fact, that made it possible for this information to survive over time.

The exercises bring benefits from a very tantric perspective, in which it is understood that the body is a means to knowledge, and not an obstacle to higher consciousness. In the West, pompoarism is also known as “Kegel exercises”, thanks to gynecologist Arnold Kegel, who in the 1940s carried out studies on the pelvic muscles and indicated these practices for the treatment of urinary incontinence.

pompoarism techniques
Copyright : Olena Kachmar


The more a muscle is exercised, the greater the blood circulation in the area and, consequently, the greater the sensitivity of the region. The pompoarismo techniques strengthen the vagina and the tone of the perineum (region between the vagina and the anus), which provides a new awareness of the body for the woman.

The practice increases libido, facilitates orgasm (including multiples), in addition to decreasing cramps and premenstrual issues. The contraction and relaxation movements increase sexual performance, opening up new possibilities for penetration.

At the same time, gynecology also proves the benefits to treat the sagging of the vaginal region, very associated with urinary incontinence. Exercise reduces menopausal symptoms, prevents infections, vaginismus and helps with possible pain during sex. Another gain is the increase in vaginal lubrication, which is important in pregnancy in terms of childbirth and the woman's recovery.

pompoarism techniques
Copyright : Svetlana Mandrikova

pompoarism techniques

Intimate gymnastics is based on the contraction and relaxation movements of the vaginal muscles. As specialist Cátia Damasceno, creator of the Well-Resolved Women initiative, explains, the secret lies in the regularity of the practice. If in the gym there is a certain set for arms and legs that must be performed during a specific period and with precision, it is important that pompadour is seen with this discipline. In her e-book “Squeeze and release”, the physical therapist indicates an initial seven-day routine.

To begin with, first you need to understand what will be exercised: it is time to find the three vaginal rings. The first is the perineum, easily felt when closing the entrance to the vagina. To feel the second, stand up and move as if you were going to hold your urine: that's where it stays. The third is in the lower belly region. To feel, lie on your back and empty the air from your lower abdomen. It is interesting to empty your bladder before practicing. Once you've bonded more closely with your body, it's time to practice the pompoarismo techniques. Come on?

Technique 1 – Contraction: Start with five sets of 30 contractions of the vaginal canal with a 1-minute interval (as if holding urine). Each day, you can increase the number of sets and reduce the time interval, creating the habit of exercising and preparing the muscles. The idea is to get to the seventh day by performing 10 sets of 30 contractions with 30-second intervals.

Technique 2 – Contraction and Relaxation: Now that you are familiar with the movements, add an extra action to challenge yourself. Now, in addition to contracting, you will “relax intensely”. Relaxation works like the feeling of “pushing the urine out”. Then do a cadence: 1 strong contraction alternating with 1 intense relaxation of up to 5 seconds in a series of 10 repetitions. Rest for 1 minute and repeat 2 more times.

Technique 3 – Relaxation and Contraction: Now, we reverse the logic of the last technique, increasing the repetition. Start with 1 fast intense relaxation and alternate with 1 strong contraction of 5 seconds. In the beginning, it can be 4 repetitions for every 30 seconds. Over time, increase the repetitions and reduce the rest time.

pompoarism techniques
Copyright : Olena Kachmar

Technique 4 - Challenging the contraction: the idea is to hold the contraction of the vaginal canal for as long as you can. Take notes and notice the increase in time as the practice unfolds in your routine. It is interesting to create micro-challenges, such as holding the contraction during the time of a headlight in traffic, for example, or even setting alarms that remind you to contract during the day.

Technique 5 - Pom and Breathe: After practicing with the first techniques, it's time to add one more element to the game: your breathing. Take a few deep breaths to prepare. Now, give the command to your brain – as you inhale, contract the vaginal muscles; as you exhale, actively relax (as if forcing urine). Once you get the hang of it, you can speed up your breathing and contractions or even challenge yourself and increase your air and movement time. Full attention and pompoarism for your self-love!

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From there, you can start looking at accessories like Ben-wa balls and vaginal cones. The idea is that the utensils intensify the exercise of “sucking” and “expelling”. However, an important point: don't go out practicing without reading more about the practice, because you can get hurt. The idea is that the process is pleasant and loving. Pompoarism is a form of female self-care, therefore, it assumes that it is something pleasurable, not forced.

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